MML Basic VIDEO Editing Workshop!

1 hour tutorial with 37 minutes of content

Welcome to the Brown's Basic Video Editing Workshop as a part of the Multimedia Lab. We will go over the fundamentals of Adobe Premiere by recreating a 45-second video together! Anyone can take this tutorial even if they aren't part of the Brown community, and many of the basic editing concepts are useful across editing platforms. The workshop is broken down into 5 consecutive parts with each video building upon the skills learned in subsequent videos. 


The tutorial below is intended to get you started on a semi/professional path towards having marketable video editing skills that can be used in a variety of creative projects. If instead, you want the easiest (and sometimes limiting) video editing experience, or want to build up your basic skills to eventually become more proficient, we recommend taking a look at our resource page for Adobe Rush instead, a drag-and-drop video editor



For this tutorial we will be using Adobe Premiere, a software which is free to use for Brown University students. Use this link to learn how to download Adobe products like Premiere at if you plan to use your personal machine, or you can use Adobe Premiere at the Multimedia Labs on campus. If you are reviewing this guide and are not part of the Brown community and don't have Adobe, we recommend using a software like DaVinci Resolve which is free for students, though you may find some aspects of this tutorial limiting.


For this tutorial, the MML is providing you with media to use and follow along with. more about this is explained in the Part 1 Video (00:54).

In the mean time, feel free to download the entire contents of the zipped filed titled MML Video Workshop FINAL, found here 


While you can successfully complete the tutorial using just your laptop or personal computer, it may become a little annoying to switch back and forth between the videos and premiere. If possible, consider using two devices side-by-side during this process: one device to play the videos and the second device to follow along on in Premiere. You should always prioritize the more powerful device to do your work in premiere with. A good secondary device could be a, tablet, smart tv, smart phone or second computer. If you are using a single device, consider using a Picture in Picture extension for Chrome or Firefox browser which will allow the videos to hover while your work in Premiere

closeup of macbook laptop and tablet on a table


1: Introduction to the workshop + Adobe Premiere (07:30)


00:00 - Intro

00:54 - Downloading workshop media

01:14 - Previewing final video

02:47 - Premiere UI

     02:50 - Project Monitor

     03:51 - Timeline

     05:30 - Toolbar

     05:51 - Media Bin

     06:25 - Source Window/Effects Control

2: Getting Started with Projects + Sequences (04:29)


In this section: 

00:36 - Login into Premiere using our Brown Account

00:57 - Creating a new project

01:33 - Import media 

02:47 - Creating sequences

3: Composing + Adding Media (07:13)


00:00 - Composing and adding media to a sequence

01:11 - Method 1: in + out clips

     01:40 - Marking in + out in the source panel

     03:40 - Using the drag-video-only button

04:08 - Method 2: drag and trim

     04:58 - Trimming the beginning and ends of clips

     06:04 - Unlinking and deleting audio from video clips

4: Working With Text, Opacity, Transitions + KeyFrames (11:20)


In this section:

00:00 - Working with text

   00:58 - Manipulating text in the Effects Control Panel

   02:41 - Using align tool to center text

   03:40 - CHALLENGE: Recreate the text on your own!

04:20 - Working with opacity

05:46 - Working with keyframes

   08:11 - CHALLENGE: Animate text boxes into the frame using keyframes!

08:36 - Using video transition effects

11:03 - CHALLENGE: Finish adding all media to the timeline!

5: Background Music, Audio Transitions, + Exporting (06:46)


In this section:

00:00 - Adding Background Music

   00:41 - Adjusting an audio clip's volume

   01:36 - Trimming using the razor tool 

02:52 - Using audio transitions

04:08 - Exporting your video 


Remember! You can do alot with a little! Even with just these basics, you can make your own impactful videos! So go do it!!! 🤩

person holding up a glass in cheers, from "Great Gastby" movie
GIF of TV personality Simon Cowell saying "Brilliant! Well Done!" on tv show
GIF of person clapping and crying while saying "yas" in a crowd of straight faced peers
GIF of rapper Cardi B clapping at award show
GIF of singer Jennifer Lopez flexing her arms from show American Idol
GIF of person clapping emphatically
GIF of RuPaul saying "condragulations" on show RuPaul's Drag race
GIF of person saying "you ROCK" and winking