Media Catalog

Animated Video

Bringing ideas to life through animation

Content vs. Metadata


Editors from the DLD media team produced this intricate animation, complete with sound effects, to illustrate the differences between content and metadata as described in Professor Timothy Edgar's lecture.

Faculty Effort: ••

DLD Effort: •••

Fantastic Places, Unhuman Humans


Professor Jim Egan created a character-based narrative experience for his “gamified” online literature course that uses sci-fi and speculative fiction as the means to explore what it means to be human. This video features an animated Prof. Egan stating the fundamental question of the course and setting up the story, including the characters and visual design that permeate the course.

Faculty Effort: ••

DLD Effort: •••

Public-Key Encryption

Brown Executive Master in Cybersecurity

Professor Anna Lysyanskaya developed this animated video to teach non-technical executive students about how public-key encryption works when applied to internet messaging.

Faculty Effort: ••

DLD Effort: •••