Media Catalog

Video Interactivity

Adding bookmarks or other interactive features

Relevant links: Panopto Quizzes for Canvas Assignment Grades, Personal Bookmarks in Panopto, Chapter Markers in Panopto

Brown Executive Master in Cybersecurity

In this screencast, created by instructor Bernardo Pallazzi and his teaching assistant, Jared Nussbaum, Chapter Markers are used within the Panopto media player to make navigating the video easier for viewers.

Faculty Effort:

DLD Effort:


GoReact is a tool used to facilitate asynchronous video interaction.

Faculty Effort:

DLD Effort:

Panopto Video Quizzes


Panopto allows instructors to easily embed quizzes within uploaded videos. These quizzes can take several different forms, including Multiple Choice, Fill in the Blank, and True/False Formats. Quizzes can also be linked to Canvas Gradebook.

Faculty Effort:

DLD Effort: