Resources and links

The Teach In aims to:

Raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development.

Catalyse curriculum reform and test new ideas.

Embed sustainability and social responsibility across all learning.

Link teaching, learning, and assessment to local and global concerns.

Prepare students with the knowledge, skills, and attributes to tackle the world's greatest challenges.

Core starting documents for learning more about ESD and the SDGs are included below. Digestible, with a wealth of resources - dive deeper!


This guide is intended to help UK Higher Education institutions incorporate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within their curricula.

Aimed at supporting staff involved in curriculum design, course management and delivery, to support students from any discipline to aquire the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to develop values and take actions for more just and sustainable futures

Section 1: An introduction to sustainability and ESD

Section 2: How to get started with ESD

Section 3: Teaching, learning and assessment approaches

Section 4: References and resources

Learning Objectives for the SDGs

Scroll through for ideas on activities and learning outcomes that support sustsinability learning.

SDG Sheets.pdf

The 17 Sustainable development Goals in a nutshell