If you have questions about the Global Goals Teach in have a look at the information below provided for educators

What are the SDGs?

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 'global goals' which set out targets to end poverty, protect the planet, and achieve prosperity for all by 2030. The goals were adopted by all the world’s governments at the UN in 2015 and will guide global development.

Are the SDGs relevant to my subject?

Yes! The SDGs think holistically about sustainability, including topics like gender equality, poverty, health and wellbeing, climate action, clean energy, and peace, justice, and strong institutions. This breadth means that all disciplines can identify meaningful links.

For inspiration Stephen Sterling has an excellent website.

Do my students want to learn about the SDGs?

Yes! Our research has demonstrated student demand:

  • 85% of students consistently agree or strongly agree that “sustainable development is something which universities and colleges should actively incorporate and promote”

  • 70% of students consistently agree or strongly agree that “sustainable development is something which university and college courses should actively incorporate and promote”

  • 60% of students consistently agree or strongly agree that “sustainable development is something which I would like to learn more about”

In the same survey, students largely say that they want sustainability embedded into existing modules, not as a stand-alone unit, and that they want the content to be relevant and meaningful for their discipline.

SOS-UK has also conducted research specifically on student understanding of, and interest in, the SDGs.