Learning Beyond the Classroom

2020 online exhibition: Examples of learning resources produced by final year students based on their cultural placement experiences

The BA (Hons) Primary Education course module Curriculum Design through Thematic Planning at Oxford Brookes University aims support students 'to develop creativity in teaching and empower pupils to learn in a creative way' (Module Handbook, p. 1). To help deepen students' knowledge and understanding of how to nurture the creative development of pupils, in their final year they engage in a short 'cultural placement' outside of a formal school environment (our 16 cultural partners are listed in the side navigation bar).

During their immersive placement experiences students explore learning beyond the classroom in a contrasting cultural context, and consider how they might utilise a different environment to generate thematic cross-curricular experiences for learners. This practice practically expands students' understanding of 'cultural capital' (as defined in the Ofsted School Inspection Handbook 2019, p. 43).

As part of an assessed assignment students are required to develop a learning resource for primary-aged children (5-11 year olds) based around an aspect of their cultural placement. They are encouraged to consider applying a range of pedagogical approaches that best utilise the unique contexts in which they find themselves. This online exhibition showcases many examples of the learning resources.

Oxford Brookes University would like to say a huge thank you to all of our cultural partners for the tremendous ongoing support they give to our students, always for no charge.

Click on the images below or go to the list of cultural partners to view the learning resources produced by the BA (Hons) Primary Education students. The side navigation menu will also enable you to find more about each cultural partner's venue.

A special thanks needs to be extended to Jennie McFadden, Carol Ducker and Amanda Barton, now retired from Oxford Brookes University, whose energy and enthusiasm over many years has ensured that all BA(Hons) Primary Education students experience a cultural placement as part of their teacher training. For more information about the background to the cultural placements click here. The exhibition was curated by Karen Hosack Janes and Sarah Frodsham.

Guest book comments about the exhibition and responses can be found here.