LA OTREDAD - derecho de migrantes

Short films from 11/10 to 15/10 (v.o SPA - Subs ENG) Book a place

Q&A with the Directors: 12/10 h. 18 (UK time zone) Book a place


Argentina, 2017. A presidential decree overturns the validity of The Migrant Law which established migration as a Human Right. It is not the only violation that Mauricio Macri’s government will make on the advances of the working-class sectors and of the most vulnerable. The country is going through a crisis which has closed factories, bankrupted businesses, and lead to the loss of hundreds of jobs, as the frightening growth of unemployment increases at the same rate as hunger and poverty.


Director: Lucía Presta

Scriptwriter: Eliana Page

Director of Photography: Mery Gómez and Camila Ingeniere

Voice over: Cristina Fernández

Music: Pablo Vidal

Original Title: La otredad - Derecho de migrantes

English Title: Otherness - Migrant Rights

Duration: 2.58 min / color /

Country: Colombia - Argentina

Year: 2017


With a cry that was threatened to be lost amidst so much tragedy, we decided to film with no budget and in only a few days, a short film that would allow us to put pain into words. Explore the meaning of migrating, especially with the implications that this entails for any woman, gender diversity, or to any identity that is not masculine, hetero, white or rich. We wanted to contribute to the debate by clearly stating a complaint against the political actions that were taking place at that moment and in our most immediate context, which was Argentina. We wanted to express our repudiation of the decline in the recognition of rights, and we wanted to do so through art, between fellow women activists and friends, summoned by the conviction that it is necessary to spread our words and our knowledge even when they try to deny that to us.


Lucía Presta was born on 1988 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She studied Industrial Design (UBA) and then made a magister on Human Rights and public politics (UNLa). She made a feminist seminar and also she obtained a certificate of advanced study in gender studies and gender based violence, which she developed as a tutor. She is a political activist and was part of the university Peronism during her degree study, later on she started to make audiovisual contents and writing on the magazine La negra del Sur and others. Since 2011 she had worked on the National Secretariat of Human Rights as a counsellor on the office of institutional violence and she also carries out several functions on union delegate (ATE).


Eliana Page has a degree in Sociology at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and a Master's degree in Human Rights and Public Policy at the University of Lanús (UNLa). She is currently doing a Specialization in Research Methodology at the UBA. In addition, she is part of the Movimiento Evita, a space in which she advocates for the rights of detained persons from an intersectional and anti-punitivist feminist perspective. She held various seminars on Gender, Citizen Security and Human Rights. She worked in areas of Research and Evaluation of Public Policies related to access to the right for education in contexts of punitive confinement. Since 2019, she works as a teacher for adults. Currently, she is working on the Generation and Development of Information and Measurement on Child Labor dependant on the province government.


María de los Ángeles Gómez. Born April 5th, 1987 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Photographer, feminist activist for La Cámpora and Colectiva Andina. Film student (UNA). She is writing for the magazine La Negra del Sur and she is also an accomplished social manager for different political organizations.


I am Camila Ingegniere, 33 years old, I was born in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires. I am a Political activist. I studied sound image design for 4 years at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). In 2011 I started working in programs related to childhood and adolescence for the National government. After a few years that lead me to change my career and study to become a caseworker. Since then I have worked in programs related to the rights of women, children and adolescents.



Deborah Shaw is Professor of Film and Screen Studies at the University of Portsmouth. Her research interests include transnational film, Latin American cinema, and film and migration, and she has published widely in these areas. She is the founding co-editor of the Routledge journal Transnational Screens, and her books include Contemporary Latin American Cinema: Ten Key Films (2003), The Three Amigos: The Transnational Filmmaking of Guillermo del Toro, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Alfonso Cuarón, Manchester University Press (2013), The Transnational Fantasies of Guillermo del Toro. Palgrave Macmillan, co-edited with Ann Davies and Dolores Tierney (2014), and Latin American Women Filmmakers: Production, Politics, Poetics, co-edited with Deborah Martin for the World Cinema Series with I.B.Tauris (2017). Her latest book is Sense8: Transcending Television, co-edited with Rob Stone with Bloomsbury Publishers (2021).