Reading with Passion in Government and Economics

Ms. Yamuna Bhaskaran


Welcome to Ms. Yamuna's Reading with a Passion in Government and Economics class at Bronx International High School! I am excited to work with the Class of 2021!


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Reading with a Passion in Government and Economics

PBAT Topics

This year's Reading with a Passion Government and Economics PBATs fall into one of three categories: Coronavirus, Economic Inequality, and Government/Politics. Resources for each PBAT are located on the pages linked here.

If you have already completed your Social Studies PBAT, you still need to write the paper but you will not be required to complete the oral presentation.

Question 1: CoronaBAT

(A) Has the Biden Administration done a good job responding to the coronavirus?

(B) Did the Trump Administration do a good job responding to the coronavirus?

Question 2: CoronaBAT - How has economic inequality played a role in the American experience of the coronavirus/COVID-19?

Question 3: Should the federal minimum wage be increased to $15?

Question 4: Should public college be free in the United States?

Question 5: Should the United States provide universal healthcare?

Question 6: Should the electoral college be eliminated?

Question 7: What was Donald Trump's role in the 1/6/21 attack on the Capitol building?

Question 8: Should the federal government pass a law prohibiting federal properties from being named after Donald Trump?

Formatting Requirements

The paper should be a minimum of five pages. The “Works Cited” section does not count towards the five-page minimum.

  1. Typed in 12-point Times New Roman font

  2. Double spaced

  3. 1” margins

  4. Appropriate formatting (e.g., indenting the beginning of every paragraph using the tab button rather than the space bar)

  5. Citations must be in MLA Format. You may use EasyBib to help you create the citations.

  6. “Works Cited” section at the end of the paper

You will receive additional information about the project as we progress.

Paper Outline

Your Government and Economics PBAT paper is an ARGUMENTATIVE PAPER - you must have a clear position and provide evidence to support it. The paper must include at least 5 sources and must be 5 pages PLUS the Works Cited. Your paper must include the following sections:

  1. Introduction

  2. Background - 1-2 Sources, 2-3 paragraphs

  3. Arguments - 3 Sources, 3 paragraphs

  4. Counterclaim and Rebuttal - 1 Source, 1-2 paragraphs

  5. Conclusion

  6. Works Cited

We will discuss the details as we begin writing.