
See updates from our Subgroups from World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics 2020 here

Cognition Genomics

Chair: Dr. Alysa Doyle

Focused on investigating the genomics of cognitive features associated with ADHD.

Please contact the group chair if:

1) you’re interested in joining the working group and have cognitive data on ADHD participants that can be shared with the PGC and/or

2) you have cognitive data on other neuropsychiatric conditions and would like to propose a collaboration.

Copy Number Variants


This group will focus on copy number variation (CNV) in ADHD. If you have CNV data and/or would like to be involved in this working group, please contact Tetyana Zayats.

ADHD Dimensions

Chair: Dr. Tetyana Zayats

This group focuses on dimensional measures of ADHD in both clinical and population/community samples.

Please contact the group chair if you have dimensional data and would like to be involved in the group.

ADHD Across the Lifespan

Chair: Dr. Barbara Franke

Focused on the persistence and remission of ADHD and comobridity across the lifespan. Two consortia contribute to this group: IMpACT and the ECNP Network ADHD across the Lifespan.

Recent publication: Ribases et al., 2020

Epigenetics of ADHD

Chair: Dr. Tetyana Zayats

This group studies the epigenetics of ADHD with an emphasis on DNA methylation. To get involved or contribute samples, please contact the group chair.