Zero Points System

What is the Zero Points system?

This year, all of the fifth grade teachers and students will be using a “Zero Points” system. This point system will be used as a way to encourage positive behavior, timely completion of assignments, and responsibility. At the end of each month, the fifth grade will have set aside a special time as a reward, called a "Zero Points Party" (activities will vary each month). Only fifth graders with zero points will be able to participate. Those who cannot participate will be in an alternate location with work to do. So, the goal is to have zero points by the end of the month. Here’s how it works:

  • Each student will get a monthly calendar to keep in his/her agenda.

  • If a student does not have a homework assignment, and/or displays inappropriate behavior, points will be recorded on the calendar by the teacher.

  • It is the student’s responsibility to keep the calendar and bring it to school each day in the agenda. Therefore, points will be recorded if the calendar is lost.

  • Points will be given as follows:

    • Homework (H)- 1 point

    • Behavior (B)- 1 to 5 points (depending on the severity of the behavior)

    • Referral Behavior (R)- 10 points

    • Lost calendar (L)- 5 points

  • Each month starts fresh with a new calendar! Points from the previous month do NOT carry over.

So what happens if you get points in the beginning or middle of the month? Is there anything you can do to get back to zero?

  • Points can be “worked off” by completing service-oriented tasks in school. Homework points are worked off by turning in the missing assignment.

  • Opportunities for these tasks will be provided by the teachers, and can include actions such as helping deliver papers, organizing the bookshelf, putting mail in the mail boxes, etc.

  • Each act of in school community service = 1 point worked off.

  • Students can only work off up to 2 points per day.

  • The teacher will stamp the calendar to show that you have worked off the point.