Meet Mrs. Cipperly

Hello! My name is Mrs. Cipperly, and if you are reading this, there's a good chance that I am your 5th grade teacher. Let me tell you a little bit about myself...

This will be my twelfth year in the Brunswick Central School District. Prior to coming to Tamarac, I taught for two years in the Schenectady City School District, in fifth and sixth grades. Believe it or not, I have wanted to teach ever since I was in elementary school myself- fifth grade was what I always dreamed of teaching! After graduating high school, I attended SUNY College at Oneonta and graduated in 2008 with a degree in Childhood Education (1-6), with a concentration in Spanish. In the summer of 2011, I received my master's degree in Childhood Literacy from UAlbany.

I'm originally from Clifton Park, but my parents and two sisters reside in Florida. When there isn't a pandemic, I usually spend my breaks going to visit them in the sunshine. Some of you may also know my husband from Tamarac- he used to teach 4th grade, but now teaches 6th grade social studies in the middle school. Mr. Cipperly and I had our daughter Sienna in June of 2019, and she's two now. We love her very much!

Two things that are very important to me are respect and effort. I expect all students to try their hardest, and to treat both adults and peers with respect. Below you will find a list of quick facts about me... Do we have anything in common?

Birthday: June 24 (I actually share a birthday with my daughter Sienna!)

Hobbies: walking my dog, watching the New York Yankees, reading, cooking/baking, playing board games, arts and crafts

Favorite foods: ice cream, sweet chili Doritos, strawberries

Places I would like to visit: Italy and Hawaii

Things I love: family, friends, my dog, teaching, the beach, Derek Jeter, NY Yankees, Syracuse basketball, Scattergories

Here's a picture of me and my dog, Griffey! He's a black lab. Can any baseball fans guess who he is named after?