MFL German and French


At BCCS we offer GCSE French and German.  Students are welcome to opt for whichever language they have chosen during KS3, with the option to continue to A Level. Language groups tend to be smaller than KS3 classes, and we have the benefit of our Foreign Language Assistant for French and dedicated speaking lessons in German to support language learning.

In Year 10 we hope to give students the opportunity to participate in either a trip to Germany or via the Bristol–Bordeaux exchange to practise their language skills.

Click pictures below to watch a video to find out more about German or French and to to read more about careers linked with this option.




Throughout the course we aim to develop:

Course Details

Students are required to:

Topics to be studied for both the French and German GCSE include:


Students will need to:

How is the course assessed?

Listening: 25%

Students will be tested on their ability to understand spoken language from the set vocabulary and grammar list for each tier. Testing is through a variety of tasks which require a response, either written in English or non-verbally (e.g. multiple choice) to demonstrate understanding.  There is also a dictation task where students transcribe a few short sentences that they hear.

Foundation Tier: 35 minutes

Higher Tier: 45 minutes

Speaking: 25%

Students will be required to communicate verbally in different situations.  There are three components to this part of the exam: a role-play card, a read-aloud task and short conversation, and a photo card.  Students will respond to these stimuli in French/German at either Foundation or Higher tier, using a variety of language and tenses.

Foundation Tier: 7–9 minutes, in addition to preparation time. 

Higher Tier: 10–12 minutes, in addition to preparation time.

Reading: 25%

Students will be tested on their ability to understand written language. Testing is through a variety of tasks which require a response, either written in English or non-verbally (e.g. multiple choice) to demonstrate understanding. The examination consists of a number of short texts, notices or news reports in French/German, including a range of settings and styles (e.g text messages, adverts, emails).  Additionally there are 5 sentences to translate from French/German into English.

Foundation Tier: 45 minutes 

Higher Tier: 1 hour

Writing: 25%

Students will be required to communicate effectively in writing for a variety of purposes.  At Foundation level, students will produce short sentences in response to a photo, complete a short grammar task, and write 50 words in French/German on a given topic area. Both Foundation and Higher Tier students will also translate 5 sentences from English into French/German, and write 90 words from a choice of 2 topic areas. Higher Tier students will also complete a 150 word task from a choice of 2 topic areas. 

Foundation Tier: 1 hour 10 minutes 

Higher Tier: 1 hour 15 minutes

Higher and Foundation Tier

Students are entered for either the Higher Tier (up to grade 9) or Foundation Tier (up to grade 5) in all four skills.  There can be no combining of tiers.

Possible careers

A GCSE language qualification will open many doors for students and is highly valued by universities and employers alike.  Possible careers related to language learning include:

Exam Board: AQA

GCSE French

GCSE German 

Contact Details 

Ms Haddad