

7th December 2023 

Dear Year 9 Parent/Carer,

RE: Upcoming GCSE Options Information Evening (Wednesday, January 17, 2024) & Parents Evening (Thursday, February 25, 2024)

I trust this letter finds you well. We are entering an important time for our Year 9 students when they will begin to consider subject choices for their GCSE studies. I am writing to provide you with information regarding this GCSE Options process.

GCSE Option Information Evening (Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 4:30 - 5:45 pm) is an event tailored for parents/carers. We will share comprehensive details about the GCSE options, and deliver a presentation that explains the entire GCSE Options process. Following this presentation, there will be an opportunity for questions. While the slides from the event will be accessible on the school website afterward, we very much recommend you to attend in person.

To support them through the Options process, all current Year 9 students will benefit from a comprehensive support program, including Assembly, Tutor sessions, Subject Recordings, an Options Booklet, targeted one-to-one meetings (Head of Year/Tutor/Pastoral support), and a CareerPilot Session. Additionally, we will run taster sessions in the initial weeks, for the subjects that will be new to the students.

A Year 9 Subject Parents’ Evening has been scheduled for Thursday, January 25th. This opportunity for both parents and students to engage with their teachers and discuss option choices. Attendance by your child is crucial for active involvement in these discussions, fostering a sense of responsibility for their learning. Appointments will be made as usual using the online booking system, allowing you to select your preferred time slots with teachers. 

In preparation for the evening, you will receive an email in advance with details on when the booking system opens, along with a link to access it. Please be aware that some teachers may request appointments with specific students, and these will be pre-booked by the school. If your allocated appointment is inconvenient, kindly contact Kjackson@bristolcathedral.org.uk for assistance in rescheduling.

Given that some teachers oversee multiple Year 9 classes, it may not be feasible to schedule meetings with all teachers. However, you will receive an interim report containing attainment grades and targets for all subjects. Should you be unable to meet with a specific subject teacher, feel free to reach out to them via email (a complete list of staff contacts is available here) for further information.

For those with additional questions regarding appointments, please contact Ms. K Jackson as indicated above.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to seeing you on the 17th January at 4.30pm, Cresswell theatre.

Yours sincerely,

Ms E Messinger, Deputy Headteacher

Mr J Frost, Head of Year 9

 Careers Guidance

Additional Support Information for GCSE Options:

It is recommended that parents work together with their son/daughter to complete research into GCSE subject choices.  Below are a number of links which may be useful in supporting this process