Social Studies:

Ms. Settlemire 

My name is Ms. Settlemire and I am so excited to be your Social Studies teacher this year!! I am originally from Pennsylvania, but I have lived in SC for 39 years. I have been teaching that long also, so I have taught a lot of kids. I have taught Math, ELA, and Science; but Social Studies is my favorite and I hope you love it too!! We will be learning about so many cool people and places from the earliest people until modern times. My favorites units are the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Aztecs, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and both World Wars!! But there are so many fun time periods to study!! Get ready to blast off back to the future!! 

For E-Learning Days: Log into Google Classroom and wait for the "Join" link that will be posted at the beginning of the designated class time.