6th Grade Science
Extra Help Time: Mr. Kaiser: Tuesdays 2:45-3:20 in room 212
Teachers: Mr. Kaiser & Ms. Pronesti
Contact Information: Mr. Kaiser: kkaiser@bridgehamptonschool.com
Ms. Pronesti: jpronesti@bridgehamptonschool.com
Homework assignments can be found on the Google Classroom Page.
September 2023
Hello Students and Families,
Welcome to 6th Grade Science! We are glad you are part of our class and are excited about what you will learn this year as you develop your knowledge about science and your problem solving skills.
Science and Technology are everywhere! We want you to leave our classroom with a strong understanding of science and technology concepts and the thinking process that supports our understanding of the natural world. There is so much to discover! Please be prepared to ask questions and seek out answers. You will apply what you learn as well as express it through writing, discussions, and projects.
One goal is for you to become an independent learner who is responsible for your own learning. We encourage you to think for yourself, participate in class and contribute in a positive and respectful way to our class’s learning environment.
Your grade will be based on various assessments to determine your understanding of what we are learning. The general categories you are responsible for which will contribute to your success are class participation, behavior, completion of homework, notebook organization, tardiness, and tests and quizzes.
Communication between you, your parents or guardians, and I will be essential in your success. There will be several ways to communicate:
Progress Reports: The Parent Portal is available to keep track of your child’s ongoing progress. This is an important communication tool. If you do not have access to the Portal or are unsure how to use it, please stop by the main office to learn more about it.
Email: Mr. Kaiser’s email is kkaiser@bridgehamptonschool.com Ms. Pronesti's email is: jpronesti@bridgehamptonschool.com. This is a great way to stay in touch if you have questions or concerns. We check our emails daily. You can also find this link on the Bridgehampton website.
Phone: The general number for Bridgehampton is 631-537-0271. Please feel free to call at any time however, please know the most efficient way to contact us is via email.
Google Classroom: We will post assignments on Google Classroom, and there will also be a copy of the classroom PowerPoints and the textbook in the 6th grade classroom page.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to a successful year of science and technology discoveries!
Mr. Kaiser & Ms. Pronesti
6th Grade Science Fair
Which sport gives the best workout? What makes the best bubbles? These two questions were among the many that Bridgehampton School sixth graders worked to answer using the scientific method at their grade-level Science Fair. The students shared their research and results with fellow students, staff and visitors, highlighting their pride in putting together their experiments, using data to find conclusions and interpreting them.
6th Grade Bottle Rockets
In this project the class studied about force, motion, and Newton's Laws. Using our knowledge we created bottle rockets that showed our understanding of the forces involved and of Newton's Laws. Mrs. Sharp's math class tracked the flights, recorded the height, and graphed the data.

Solar Project: Students created solar cookers and made smores for the whole school!
Classroom Rules and Expectations: Be responsible, pay attention in class, be punctual, be respectful towards others in the classroom, bring all materials to class, do your homework on time, hand in your homework on time, no cell phone use in class.
*Homework is very important in this class and lateness will not be tolerated. Half of doing your homework is actually bringing it into class, so please do so!