In the Midst of a Paradigm Shift
In Their Own Words
These are testimonials written by students. The first batch are categorized by how they relate to grade abatement, which is the paradigm shift in assessment, or the Strategic Coherence Plan used by Brewster Central Schools.
Below are selected reflections, essays, excerpts, etc., that discuss the makerspace. The first collection showcases feedback from the Top Ten seniors who graduated in 2018-2019.
The Top Ten (2018-2019)
Many more students than just these graduating seniors have benefited from the space, but there is a significant weight to the following testimonials. These are the most academically successful students we have, and the students with the ability to articulate the way this paradigm shift works.
On the Nature of 100
This reflection, from a student named Laura, is thoughtful and probing. What does it mean to receive a 100? What does our abatement of traditional grading do to help?
In reply, I wrote something that is also a testimonial about the space:
What You Put In
This student's final reflection speaks to the responsive mechanisms of a makerspace like this one: Students get out of it exactly what they put in.
The label ("Q4C") is shorthand for the triptych approach we use for assessment. The first attempt is documented in this post.
English 12 Testimonials
These are gleaned from student responses to a final essay prompt and a formative questionnaire. The latter led to as much insight as the essay prompt, so the responses were broken down into categories.
Original essay prompt: https://tinyurl.com/2021-reflection-prompt
Copy of questionnaire: https://tinyurl.com/2021-reflection-form
The questions are printed at the top of each column of responses. Student names are included with their permission. Each spreadsheet has commentary and notes on what students have written.