Mrs. Souza's Counseling Site

Student's seem very excited about spring break this March! They have been sharing fun family trips and feeling happy about not waking up early for school.  I hope you and your family enjoy this break and that you find time to relax. Stay safe and healthy!!

Happy February!! I hope you had a great winter break and are enjoying the first few months of the year 2024. I have been able to present "be a friend" in some classrooms this month and having great discussions with students on their values of friendship. If interested, below is the slide show I use;

We also had our 100 days at school celebration to honor students 100 days of learning. I am so grateful that I am at the front gates in the morning as I was able to see the student's smiling faces as they entered school through the "100" walk-through sign at the gates.

It's December and as we are near our Winter Break I hope you and your student/s are enjoying these last few weeks of year 2023!!  I have been enjoying going into your student's classrooms to present and discuss our Krey monthly theme of "be considerate".  Below is the link of the slide show if you would like to view what I showed your student this month. I am so proud of how considerate so many of our students are, as they shared with me ways they show family, the earth, friends at home and at school, ways they care and are considerate. I hope you and your family stay safe and healthy!

I love fall; the cooler weather, hot chocolate and the leaves changing colors are a few of my favorite things about this season! I have started counseling groups this October as well as finishing the "social thinkers" curriculum with TK - 3rd. grades. I have been enjoying greeting your students as they walk through our front gates as we start our day with smiles and kind words. 

November I start presentations on our monthly theme of "be thankful". Discussions in your student's classrooms are always interesting and fun as we talk about our topic for that month. What are you thankful for? Feeling gratitude about something or someone supports positive feelings about your life. Have a great fall season!   


Happy September!!  This month I will go into some 4th. and 5th. grade classrooms to present and  discuss the valuable life skill of "being supportive". The "Social Thinkers" presentations and discussions will continue this month for grades TK - 3rd. Students are doing a WONDERFUL job participating in these discussions, sharing their thoughts and feelings and are so welcoming when I enter their classroom. Hope you and your family have a great month of September! 

This August I will start BUSD's "Social Thinkers" with grades TK - 3! I will read books, and have discussions with your student/s regarding thoughts and feelings while introducing various social skills. Most students love this time and we practice a calming strategy before the book.

If your student is in a 4th. or 5th. grade classrooms I may be scheduled to go into their room for a presentation on this months theme "be responsible". 

Krey's counseling classroom presentations have begun!!!