personal and social
The Personal and Social competency is the set of abilities that relate to your identity in the world, both as an individual and as a member of your community and society. Personal and social competency encompasses what you need to thrive as an individual, to understand and care about yourself and others, and to find and achieve your purpose in the world.
The Personal and Social competency is divided into Personal Awareness and Responsibility, Positive Personal and Cultural Identity, and Social Awareness and Responsibility.
I can make choices that help me meet my wants and needs and increase my feelings of well-being.
I take responsibility for my actions.
I can take action toward meeting my own wants and needs and finding joy and satisfaction, and work toward a goal or solving a problem.
I can use strategies that increase my feeling of well-being and help me manage my feelings and emotions.
I can connect my actions with both positive and negative consequences and try to make adjustments; I accept feedback.
I make decisions about my activities and take some responsibility for my physical and emotional well-being.
I can recognize my strengths and take responsibility for using strategies to focus, manage stress, and accomplish my goals.
I advocate for myself and my ideas; I accept myself.
I am willing to engage with ideas or information that is challenging for me.
I can be focused and determined.
I can set realistic goals, use strategies to accomplish them, and persevere with challenging tasks.
I can tell when I am becoming angry, upset, or frustrated, and I have strategies to calm myself.
I can make choices that benefit my well-being and keep me safe in the communities I belong to.
I recognize my value and advocate for my rights.
I take responsibility for my choices, my actions, and my achievements.
I have valuable ideas to share.
I am willing to explore controversial issues, and I can imagine and work toward change in myself and in the world.
I can set priorities; implement, monitor, and adjust a plan; and assess the results.
I take responsibility for my learning, seeking help as I need it.
I use strategies for working toward a healthy and balanced lifestyle, for dealing with emotional challenges, and for finding peace in stressful times.
I know how to find the social support I need.
I can identify my strengths and limits, find internal motivation, and act on opportunities for self-growth.
I take responsibility for making ethical decisions.
I am aware of my personal journey and reflect on my experiences as a way of enhancing my well-being and dealing with challenges.
I can advocate for myself in stressful situations.
I can take the initiative to inform myself about controversial issues and take ethical positions.
I take ownership of my goals, learning, and behaviour.
I act on what is best, over time, in terms of my goals and aspirations.
I recognize the implications of my choices and consult with others who may be affected by my decisions.
I can identify my potential as a leader in the communities I belong to.
I sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
I can describe different aspects of my identity.
I can identify my individual characteristics and explain what interests me.
I can describe different groups that I belong to.
I have pride in who I am.
I understand that I am a part of larger communities.
I can describe and demonstrate pride in my positive qualities, characteristics, and/or skills.
I can explain why I make specific choices.
I am able to represent aspects of my cultural contexts (such as family, communities, school, peer groups) through words and/or images, and describe some ways that I participate in, or am connected to, a community.
I understand that my identity is influenced by many aspects of my life.
I am aware that my values shape my choices and contribute to making me a unique individual.
I understand that my characteristics, qualities, strengths, and challenges make me unique and are an important part of the communities I belong to (including people and places).
I understand that what I value influences the choices I make and how I present myself in various contexts (including online).
I can explain how I am able to use my strengths to contribute to my home and/or communities.
I can identify how my life experiences have contributed to who I am; I recognize the continuous and evolving nature of my identity.
I can identify ways in which my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth.
I understand that I will continue to develop new skills, abilities, and strengths.
I can describe how aspects of my life experiences, family history, background, and where I live (or have lived) have influenced my values and choices.
I understand that my learning is continuous, my concept of self and identity will continue to evolve, and my life experiences may lead me to identify with new communities of people and/or place.
I can interact with others and the environment respectfully and thoughtfully.
I can build and sustain relationships and share my feelings.
I contribute to group activities that make my classroom, school, community, or natural world a better place.
I can identify different perspectives on an issue, clarify problems, consider alternatives, and evaluate strategies.
I can demonstrate respectful and inclusive behaviour with people I know.
I can explain why something is fair or unfair.
I can take purposeful action to support others and the environment.
I can build relationships and be a thoughtful and supportive friend.
I can identify ways my actions and the actions of others affect my community and the natural environment.
I look for ways to make my classroom, school, community, or natural world a better place and identify small things I can do that could make a difference.
I demonstrate respectful and inclusive behaviour in a variety of settings, and I recognize that everyone has something to offer.
I can advocate and take action for my communities and the natural world.
I expect to make a difference.
I am aware of how others may feel and take steps to help them feel included.
I maintain relationships with people from different generations.
I work to make positive change in the communities I belong to and the natural environment.
I can clarify problems or issues, generate multiple strategies, weigh consequences, compromise to meet the needs of others, and evaluate actions.
I value differences; I appreciate that each person has unique gifts.
I use respectful and inclusive language and behaviour, including in social media.
I can advocate for others.
I can initiate positive, sustainable change for others and the environment.
I build and sustain positive relationships with diverse people, including people from different generations.
I show empathy for others and adjust my behaviour to accommodate their needs.
I advocate and take thoughtful actions to influence positive, sustainable change in my communities and in the natural world.
I can analyze complex social or environmental issues from multiple perspectives and understand how I am situated in types of privilege.
I act to support diversity and defend human rights and can identify how diversity is beneficial for the communities I belong to.