Reflecting on Core Competencies


Core competencies are the skills that you need to develop to create deep, lifelong learning. The three areas are Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social. You are working on these competencies all the time. By reflecting on them, you will gain more insight into your strengths and what you need to intentionally develop.

What to do... reflect and set goals

Reflect on where you are at and what you need to do to improve. Watch these videos to help guide your work: Introduction and Goal Setting

  • Evaluate where you are at with each Core Competency using the checklists.

  • Think of what you need to do to develop to the next Profile level. Ask for input from others.

  • Complete the Goal Setting Template to set measurable goals to develop your Core Competencies.

What to do... collect

Look for opportunities to capture evidence of your demonstration of the Core Competencies.

Example: You create a podcast in a course and realize that it is a good example of communication.

Example: You come up with a new design for a Brentwood logo. (Thinking)

Example: You make a decision about something that you've been struggling with. (Personal and Social)

my blueprint Resources

Access MyBlueprint through the Brentwood Hub (

MyBlueprint - How to Create a Portfolio

What to do... reflect and report

Using the Core Competencies Self Reflection Template, identify your strengths and challenges when you look at your competencies (with evidence) and then set goals for improvement.

Here is an example.

Once you've completed it, copy and paste it into MySchool. An instructional video is here.

Want to know more? Here's a music video about reflecting on Core Competencies: