A growing collection of frequently asked questions about the Event Team Support App

Is there a video I can watch that shows how to use the ETS App?

Yes. You can view the video here.

Where can I find the Registration Management in the ETS App?

Within the Organizer view of your event, Registration Management is listed under the Event Links section. This link will directly take you to the Eventbrite dashboard for your event. 

If you are in the Team Member view, there will instead be a link called Attendee Registration Link which goes to the page where people can register for the event.

What is the simplest way to create a Zoom meeting for a Dry Run?

Once you tell the ETS app the scheduled time for the event dry run, the app can immediately create the Zoom meeting for you. Here is how to do that.

First, provide a date and time for the dry run by clicking on "here" in the displayed text:

After entering the date and time of the dry run, you will then see this display:

Click the button labeled "Create Dry Run Zoom Meeting". A Zoom meeting will be created, and the relevant information will be displayed: