Event Request Form FAQs

A growing collection of frequently asked questions about the Event Request Form


My event is private - why should I submit it in the Event Request Form?

The Event Request Form plus you into a larger support structure you're probably not aware of. If keeping your event private is a concern, just choose 'unlisted' on the Calendar question. This will keep your event private.

Submitting your event within the Event Request Form is helpful for a lot of folks in a number of ways.

Help for Organizers!

  • It gives you one-stop-shopping for the different support services like BA Zoom Reservations, BA Eventbrite templates, BA Public and Members Calendar.

  • It provides context for your event to the BA Help Desk. This makes it easier for them to help you!

  • You get the benefit of lessons learned by lots of organizers across the US.

  • You get the most current and up-to-date event resources.

Help for Participants!

  • If they ask for assistance from BA support staff for an upcoming event, the details for the event are known. The Help Desk can either assist them immediately or tell them who to contact on the event team.

  • Participants can get immediate guidance about who to contact with questions about their event through ERF reports like the Event Contact Info.

Help for Support Staff!

  • When questions are received about an event, the support team has basic event details readily available. They don't need to spend time trying to figure out what the event is or who is organizing it. This makes their job a lot easier.

  • Requests for support like

Help for Braver Angels Organization

  • A complete and comprehensive list of events provides data for program evaluations, grant requests and the like.

What information do I need to have ready to submit my event?

Download a copy of a blank ERF form with the questions asked within the Event Request Form and fill in the answers relevant to your event. You will need to know the answers for questions in red text.

It may look daunting - but this is because we are covering a lot of types of events with a single form. You won't need to answer every single question in the form.

If you're not sure what a question is really asking, you can get details on ERF questions.

Can someone other than the Lead Organizer fill out the ERF?

Yes! Anyone can fill out the form. But whoever does this should enter the email address and name of the Lead Organizer email address and name in the first two questions in the form. The Lead Organizer will then receive a link to the ERF once it is submitted. If the person submitting the form also wants to edit the form in future, they should list their email address in the very next field: 'Other Contacts.'

Which is better for Advance Registration - Eventbrite or Zoom?

Click here to see an overview and comparison of Eventbrite and Zoom Registration.

The Advance Registration page in the Organizers Resources webpage has more information about how to do each type of advance registration.

How do I request an Eventbrite event with the ERF?

If you want to manage advance registrations through our National Braver Angels Eventbrite account, request this by entering your event within the Event Request Form. This form is used to register ALL events - whether using Eventbrite or not.

To request an Eventbrite request, do the following:

  1. Submit your event to the Event Request Form.

  2. Within the ‘Advance Registration’ section of the form, select ‘YES’ in response to question ‘Set Up Advance Registration for Your Event?

    1. Note: You can request Eventbrite advance registration when you initially submit your event to the ERF or at a later date.

  3. Select ‘Eventbrite’ in response to question ‘Attendee Registration Service?’.

  4. Provide additional information as listed below. (If you want to know more about these questions, check the ERF Questions/Data Summary.

    1. Event Summary (optional - only needed for non-workshop events)

    2. Max # of Registrants (mandatory) - how many tickets do you want to offer?

    3. Max # of Red/Blue Observers (optional - only needed for events with red/blue observer tickets like a Red/Blue Workshop)

    4. Eventbrite Promote Your Event? (mandatory - yes or no)

    5. For a Red/Blue Session 1 and Session 2 Combo only:

      1. Red/Blue Session 2 date and time

      2. Red/Blue Session 2 zoom meeting link

    6. Other Eventbrite requests - provide any special requests for your event. If you want to give Eventbrite event edit access to anyone else on your team, please list their email address here.

  5. Ensure you’ve provided your own Zoom meeting link for the event or requested a BA Zoom reservation. The Eventbrite event can’t be completed without a Zoom meeting link.

  6. Submit your ERF event

Following this, the Eventbrite team will start preparing your event. We aim to complete this within one to two business days. If there is an emergency, please contact the help desk and we will work on escalating your request.

When the event has been created, you and the other contacts will receive an email stating the Eventbrite event has been completed with a link to the 'Check and Monitor My Eventbrite Event' procedure.

The organizer and any others you asked for Eventbrite edit access will be able to use this procedure to do a quality check of the event, make desired changes and monitor event registrations. If you or other Eventbrite event editors do not yet have a BA Eventbrite account, one will be created for you. The next section provides information on Braver Angels Eventbrite accounts.


Can I get a copy of what I submitted in the ERF?

Yes! When you are submitting your ERF, right above the submit button there is an option to turn on "Send me a copy of my responses." If you slide this on, your email confirmation will include a copy of all of the information you submitted. If you forgot to turn this on, you can edit your ERF one more time and click through the pages until you reach the submit button again.

How do I create a recurring event in the ERF?

An individual ERF form can only apply to one event at a specific date and time. But you can create recurring events within the BA support services (Zoom reservation, Eventbrite, Calendar) and reference those in the subsequent ERFs. You could also create your own recurring Zoom reservation or Eventbrite event using your own accounts. With recurrence, however, it is expected each recurring event will be exactly the same. This means the items below will always be the same for every event. To help with this, you may want to set up a generic email address to use for Public Info Contact.

  • Event Description

  • Public Info Contact - to answer questions from the public about the event

  • Event Times Zoom Link and Reservation - same amount of time required each time (if online)

  • Physical Location - same location each time (if in-person)

Example: For example, if you wanted to schedule a recurring Depolarizing Within workshop on the first Saturday of each month, you would do the following:

  1. Submit an ERF for the first instance of your recurring workshop. Note: It may take some extra time to coordinate your recurrence, so please be sure to allow a few extra days!

    • Within this ERF, answer the 'recurring question' by stating something like: 'The first Saturday of each month, with the last event in December 2021.'

    • The BA support teams will get the recurrence and help desk information and create your entry with the requested recurrence. They may need to contact you to ask some more questions about your recurrence. Once the recurring instance is created, save the BA Zoom link and credentials (if you requested a BA zoom link) and BA Eventbrite link (if you requested a BA Eventbrite event) for use on subsequent ERFs. You won't get a Calendar link.

  2. Submit an ERF for each subsequent instance of your recurring workshop. Within each ERF, you would provide the following:

    • Recurrence question: It would be helpful to say, 'This is an instance of a recurring event previously submitted.' This provides context for the support teams.

    • Advance Registration for Attendees question: Select 'No, I already have a registration URL' and provide a link to the recurring Eventbrite event.

    • Create Zoom Meeting question: Select 'No, I already have a URL for the online meeting' and provide a link to the recurring Zoom reservation.

    • You will have the option to request a resource folder. We recommend you do this, so you get the most current version of files.

    • You will also submit your event staff and Meeting Access Contact for this particular workshop. (Meeting Access Contact is the person to contact if the participant has troubling getting into the Zoom meeting.)

I don't want to post my private contact details as Meeting Access Contact - what can I do?

  • The Meeting Access Contact is the person willing to monitor their email/phone in the time right before your event and as the event progresses. Their task is to provide the Zoom link to those who can't find it or are struggling to join the Zoom meeting. Their contact details are provided to participants in the event they have difficulties accessing the event.

  • For those who are uncomfortable posting personal contact details in this semi-public format, Braver Angels provides the eventhelp@braverangels.org email address. If preferred, the Meeting Access Contact can post this email address instead of their own - and then they will monitor the eventhelp@braverangels.org email address. You can read more about what this means here. If you want to use the eventhelp@ email address, contact the Help Desk for the password to the account.

Can someone else help manage my Eventbrite event?

To allow someone else to monitor and edit your Eventbrite event, add their email address to the 'Eventbrite Account Access' question in your ERF. You'll find it under the 'Eventbrite Registration' section

How do I get a Zoom meeting for my dry run?

The Event Request Form is focused on events and doesn't currently allow you to schedule a Zoom reservation for a dry run or meetings. Please use the usual Zoom Meeting Reservation form for this.

Can I submit a future event by editing and resubmitting for a past event?

No. This is not recommended because these events are identified as two separate events with two separate lists of participants, two separate evaluations, etc.

If you have mistakenly edited a past event's ERF for a current event, please resubmit a new ERF for the current event.


I've submitted my ERF. How long will it take before everything is created?

  • Requests for a Zoom meeting or a resource folder are usually fulfilled by the Event Request software within minutes of your submission. (Currently, "recurring" Zoom meetings take a bit longer.).

  • Requests for Eventbrite Advance Registration listings typically require 1 or 2 business days.

  • Listings on the Braver Angels website calendar require another day or two after the registration listing is available.

How can I see who has registered for my event?

  • If you're using Eventbrite advance registration, log into the Eventbrite web site, then access the "Edit" page for the event. In the left column, click on "Manage Attendees", then click on "Attendee List". This will allow you to download a file containing some or all of your attendees, based on ticket type. If you'd just like to see a count of attendees with different ticket types, click on "Tickets" in the left column.

  • If you're using Zoom advance registration, log into the Zoom web site using the login of the the meeting owner, then access the settings page for the meeting. Scroll to the bottom, and select the "Registration" tab. You will see a count of the number of people that have registered and a link labeled "View" that will provide a visual display of the registrants.

The Event Contact Info shows the wrong people for my event. How do I update it?

This question is specifically related to the Event Contact Info sheet. This nicer looking Data Studio View is what we send to participants, but the information should be the same.

If the information in either form is wrong, update your ERF to correct who participants should contact if they need help with your event.

  • To modify the person listed under 'Questions About The Event', update the 'Event Info Contact Person' in your ERF

  • To modify the person listed under 'Trouble Accessing the Zoom Meeting', update the 'Meeting Access Contact' in your ERF

Once you submit the updated information in your ERF form, the Event Contact Info will update immediately. The Data Studio View might take a bit longer to update.

I've lost the link to edit my Event Request Form

  • Contact the Help Desk and they can get the link for you. We try to keep this link confidential, but if you are a team member on the event we will send it to you.

If I update the ERF, when will the changes be made to my Zoom reservation, Eventbrite event or Calendar?

  • Updating the ERF doesn't automatically update any of the supporting event functions like Zoom reservations, Eventbrite events or the Calendar. When changes are made, the support teams for each of those areas must make manual changes. Depending upon what is changed, it will normally take a day or two for the changes to be made.

  • If you have an emergency, you can contact each team using these email addresses:

Who do I contact if there is a problem with my event calendar listing, Eventbrite or Zoom link?

If you need to communicate with an ERF support team, use the emails listed below.

  • Calendar Listing - calendarrequest@braverangels.org

  • Eventbrite Event - eventbriterequest@braverangels.org

  • Zoom Reservation (BA License) - zoomrequest@braverangels.org

How do I postpone an event?

If you are postponing your event and don't know of the new event date, you should cancel your event within ERF. This will make sure it is removed from the calendar and support resources. However, if you are using either a workshop resource folder or a BA Eventbrite event, you may want to hold onto those for use when you reschedule your event. If you are considering this, remember that the workshop files and Eventbrite templates are updated regularly. Your copies may become outdated if you wait very long to reschedule your event. If you want to reuse either your Resource Folder or Eventbrite Event, read the following:

Workshop Resource Folder: If you are using a workshop resource folder, it will not be deleted when your event is cancelled. So, you don't need to do anything special, other than keeping the link safe.

BA Eventbrite Event: If you requested a BA Eventbrite event be created, you would need to ask the help desk to NOT delete the event from Eventbrite. Instead, ask them to unpublish the event. You should make a note of the Eventbrite registration URL. It'll need to be updated when you reschedule your event. You'll also need to submit it when you register your rescheduled event within the ERF.

After you've saved your links to the Workshop Resource Folder and Eventbrite event, it is time to cancel your event. Edit your Event Request Form and choose Cancel My Event. This question is early in the form. You'll also find a question asking about 'Additional Information for Help Desk'. In this question, state that the event is being postponed and you want to keep your Eventbrite event available. Add any other help desk comments you want. Be sure to submit the form.

This will send a cancel event request to the relevant support teams for your event, along with instructions to the help desk to NOT delete the Eventbrite event. The support teams will cancel your BA Zoom reservation (if you have one) and delete your event from the relevant BA calendars, but hopefully NOT delete the Eventbrite event. :-)

These steps can't be reversed, so make sure before you cancel!

When you are ready to reschedule your event, you will need to fill out a new ERF. If you retained an Eventbrite event, provide that link when you are asked about advance registration. (Remember to update it all for your new event date/time!)

How do I cancel an event?

Edit your event within the Event Request Form and choose Cancel My Event. This question is early in the form. Be sure to submit the change. This will send a cancel event request to the relevant support teams for your event.

The support teams will cancel your BA Zoom reservation (if you have one), delete your BA Eventbrite event (if you have one), and delete your event from the relevant BA calendars. These steps can't be reversed, so make sure before you cancel!

If you requested a workshop resource folder, it will NOT be deleted.

If you used your own personal Zoom or Eventbrite account for your event, you'll need to delete those items yourself.

How do I obtain an updated resource folder based on the current workshop release?

Use this form to request the creation of a new resource folder based on the current workshop release. If you've made any changes to the contents of your original folder, you'll need to re-do those edits on the new folder.

How do I update staffing for my event?

Review staffing within the ERF on the Support Staffing spreadsheet. Note there are TWO DIFFERENT TABS on this sheet.

  • Current Volunteers tab - shows the current volunteers scheduled for your event

    • Request Support tab - shows the position you are requesting volunteers to fill - your event won't be listed if you aren't looking for volunteers

If you need to make a change to staffing, or remove a request for a volunteer, edit the ERF using the link you were emailed when you first submitted the ERF request. Go to the staffing section and make the changes desired. Be sure to SUBMIT the form!

Once you've submitted your changes, check the Support Staffing spreadsheet again to ensure you're happy with it.

(Note: If you lost the link to edit your ERF, request a link be sent to the Lead Organizer. If the Organizer is not available, then contact HelpDesk@BraverAngels.org.)

What should I do if an incorrect second submission of the ERF is made?

You will need to use the same ERF link to make a third submission with correct data.


How do I get an attendance report for my event?

If you are a national Action Network user and the event used a Zoom meeting created using the ERF, event attendance will automatically be uploaded and available as an Action Network custom field. The first part of the field will be the date of the event, followed by the Braver Angels organization ID, followed by the event title.

Otherwise, use the following steps to obtain the list of people who have attended your event.

  1. Click on https://zoom.us/account/report/user. If you are not logged in as the Zoom license holder, log out, log in as that person, then click the link again. This is the page for Zoom's "Active Hosts" report.

  2. Find the Zoom meeting corresponding to your event, then click on the number in the Participants column. This will provide a visual display of the list of meeting attendees.

    • The meetings are sorted by the Start Time column. If you don't see your meeting listed, change the "From" date at the top of the page to be the date of your event, then click Search.

    • You may have to scroll to the right to see the Start Time and Participants columns.

  3. Check the "Show Unique Users" checkbox, then click the "Export" button. This will download a file containing attendee name, attendee email, and duration of time in the meeting. This file can be used to create a spreadsheet or can be imported into your mail system to tag event attendees and send them a post-event email.