Work Experience Class
This is an exploratory course that helps students identify their skills and interests while also providing direction towards possible career choices within the sixteen career clusters. This course will help students develop personal learning plans/career learning plans through experiential learning, activities, real-world applications, and project-based learning.
Career Exploration Hospitality
Students will think about their future career Students will be introduced to travel
by identifying their personal likes, dislikes, related careers by providing job simulations,
needs, and motivations. Students learn videos, and lessons in the tourism and
about the importance of careers, and also hospitality industries. Students will learn
learn the basic steps and techniques for responsibilities and training required in a
preparing for and having a successful a variety of jobs. Students will explore jobs
career and balanced life. hospitality industries, food service, hotels,
and theaters.
Grocery and Retail Animal Care
Students will be introduced to related careers Students will be introduced to careers related
in grocery and retail by providing job simulations, to animal care by providing job simulations,
lessons, and assessments. Students will learn videos, and lessons. Students will explore jobs
responsibilities and training required in a variety as a veterinarian, veterinarian assistant,
of related jobs within this career cluster. groomer, dog walker, zoo keeper and working
Students will explore the following areas: in a pet store.
grocery stores and department stores.
Automotive Services Medical Field
Students will be introduced to the careers in Students will be introduced to careers in the
automotive services. Students will be introduced medical fields. Students will learn basic first aid
to the basics of repairing body damage on an stabilization techniques for direct care with
automobile from start to finish. Students will patients by providing job simulations, videos
also learn the basics of detailing the inside and and lessons. Students will also assemble
outside of a car by providing job simulations, Pirate Patch First Aid Kits.
lessons, and videos.
Construction Child Care
Students will be introduced to the different Students will be introduced to careers in Child
careers in construction. Students will learn Care. Students will learn babysitting skills for
how to use tools and what types of jobs they children in various stages of development by
are used for by providing job simulations, lesson, providing job simulations, videos, and lessons
and videos. Students will design and build a house Students will learn how to deal with safety issues,
out of Legos and build a birdhouse. select appropriate activities, and toys for children.
Forensic/Law Enforcement General Office Duties
Students will be introduced to the different Students will be introduced to careers in business
careers in Law Enforcement. Students will management. They will learn basic office skills by
complete activities in fingerprinting, casting, providing job simulations, lessons and
criminal investigation procedures, and solve crimes. assessments.
Check out the realistic hands on job simulations that will be provided to you to learn valuable job skills
Job Simulations
The BHS Transition Program will introduce real world job simulation training for students. Job simulations can help prepare students when they are ready to find employment. For instance, hospitality and tourism simulations, can offer practice in cleaning hotel rooms, bussing tables, customer service skills, and soft skills required in the tourism industry.
Check out our school based enterprises that will allow you to learn valuable job skills while remaining on campus.