the Research Question

Getting the RQ Right.pdf
Nailing the RQ slide version

Guide to Writing an RQ

SAMPLE RQs (from Philpoteducation)

Read each mediocre question, and think about a) what makes it weak (FAAR) and b) what you could do to improve it. The improved questions are only suggestions-- one possible way to make the RQ better.

Group 1, Cat 1 (mediocre)

How are the novels Mort and The Book Thief similar and different with regards to death?

Group 1 Cat 1 (better)

For what reasons and to what effects do Terry Pratchet and Markus Zusak employ characterization and narration in Mort and The Book Thief respectively?

Notice how this improved version is more focused on the stylistic features of the primary sources and 'why' ("for what reasons") the authors wrote these works. The phrase "to what effects" also allows the essays to be more evaluative than descriptive.

History (mediocre)

How were the 'killing fields' in Cambodia similar to or different from the holocaust?

History (better)

To what extent were foreign influences the main cause in the Khmer Rouge’s rise to power in Cambodia in 1975?

Notice how this question cuts out the Holocaust and focuses on foreign influences as the main cause of the Khemer Rouge's rise to power in 1975. Most History essays receive a 'C' (see Statistical Bulletin), because they tend to be too descriptive and not evaluative or argumentative. Good History essay try to identify a causal relationship and persuade the reader (examiner) of the significance of these causes.

Biology (mediocre)

What are the effects of temperature on fruit that is ripening by ethylene?

Biology (better)

What is the optimal amount of ethylene and the optimal temperature for bananas that ripen in sea containers?

Ethylene makes fruit ripen faster. This process is affected by temperature. These variables are already known and tested. But why do they matter? Every day bananas are transported in sea containers around the world. For grocery stores and their customers, it is important that bananas are not too ripe or unripe upon arrival. What data are available from shipping companies? How can experiments with bananas, ethylene various temperatures and spaces generate useful data for shipping companies? The improved research question puts a much greater emphasis on the significance of the research. Generally speaking, students who conduct experiments do better than students who only analyse other researchers' data.

Math (mediocre)

How do Runs Batted In (RBIs) predict a baseball team's success?

Math (better)

How can the kinds of batting strageties described in the movie Money Ball be used to recruit players and create the optimal batting order?

Students are often told not to write their Extended Essay in Maths, because it is too difficult. Check out the Statistical Bulletin to see that many students do very well in Maths. Applied mathematics is popular for good reason. It addresses the relevance of maths to real-world problems. The 'mediocre' question could be too descriptive, exploring correlations between RBIs and wins in baseball. The 'improved' question does something with an already-proven batting strategy, which is explored in the movie Money Ball). It shows its relevance to the recruitment of players and a team's batting order, which are important responsibilities of baseball managers and coaches.