
Reflection in the EE

RRS: Researcher's  Reflection Space

Whether it's a folder in your Google Drive or a journal on ManageBac, the RRS is an optional space to document your progress and thinking during the EE process.  You can include recorded meetings with your supevisor, notes you've taken, annotations or photos of your work.  Anything goes!  It's also a great way to show your work and thinking is your own.  You can find examples and more information here (scroll down to bottom of page).

Formal Reflection Sessions vs. Check-in Session

As part of Criterion E,  You will have three formal, mandatory reflection sessions with your supervisor of around 20-30 minutes. You will document these sessions on the RPPF, which will be submitted to the IB with your extended essay and assessed. You need to prepare for these sessions by sending material to your supervisor in advance, or selecting material from your RRS to support your ideas and discussion. It’s perfectly fine to send a suggested agenda to your supervisor.

After each session you will need to document the meeting in your RPPF on ManageBac and have it approved by your supervisor.

Check-in Sessions

These are just what they sound like: informal meetings to update your supervisor, ask questions, clarify points. They may be short or extensive, but they don’t necessarily need to be documented, though it’s always a good idea to log an entry into your RRS. If it’s going to take more than a few minutes, it’s always a good idea to email your supervisor and request a meeting time.
