CoronaVirus Resources

Tips for Supporting Student Wellness During COVID-19

What should I tell my child about coronavirus and why schools are closed?

It is important that families talk with children regularly about the COVID-19 outbreak in order to provide appropriate information, answer questions, and help process worries. Key points can include:

Coronavirus/COVID-19 is a sickness, similar to the flu but much less common than flu; most people who get it do not become very sick. Children and teens who get the virus generally have only mild to moderate symptoms and recover without any need for medical care from a doctor’s office or hospital. Coronavirus/COVID-19 can spread easily from person to person, so schools are closed to prevent a lot of people from getting sick all at once.

Our family is taking steps that will help keep you safe like handwashing and social distancing. It is normal and okay to have different feelings at once — excited to be out of school, sad not to see teachers or friends, disappointed that events are cancelled, worried about what will happen next, bored at home, concerned about relatives — but I will help you manage your feelings.

Even if I have to be gone for work or for other important reasons, I am going to make sure you are cared for; I’m not going to leave you.

Extra Resources:

Talking to Children About COVID-19: A Parent Resource (available in 7 languages) (NASP)

PBSNewsHour: 10 tips for talking about COVID-19 with your kids:

Coronavirus: How to talk to your Child (English/Spanish, and with audio read out


Talking to kids about the Coronavirus (English/Spanish, and with video) (Child Mind


Key Facts about Coronavirus (CDC):

Response to Covid-19

Supporting Our Children Through COVID-19

Resources Mentioned in Video

COVID-19 Resource List for Parents.pdf
when children misbehave.pdf