Michela Michielli

Position: Master's Student

Education: B.S. Neuroscience, Union College 

Contact: mmichielli@brandeis.edu

Hometown: Falmouth, Massachusetts

Research Interests: The viral-mediated gene delivery of Semaphorin-4D in treating Drug Resistant Epilepsy (DRE). We are working on investigating the AAV-mediated expression of the Sema4D protein, which the Paradis lab has previously shown to reduce seizure severity and increase inhibitory tone in rodent epilepsy models. This work could pave the way towards future non-pharmacological epilepsy treatment in treating DRE disorders, such as Dravet Syndrome. 

Personal Interests: I love to dance, read, paint, hike, craft, watch movies, and listen to music!

If I weren't a scientist I'd be... a florist or plant shop owner