Exam Board: Sports Leaders UK

What are the benefits of the course?

What will I study?

Understand the key elements and differences of leading, coaching and teaching. Understand the safeguarding of participants and how this affects an event and coaching/leadership sessions. Understand how to make sessions inclusive for a range of participants. Be able to plan and deliver a progressive series of inclusive sport/physical activity sessions to a range of participant groups 

How will I be assessed?

The main assessment is via the LER (Learner Evidence Record) - this is a physical booklet that is completed by you and assessed by the course tutor (your teacher). It is handwritten and will detail your knowledge and understanding of the entire course. We also have to do 14 hours of real life leadership! So there will be practical sessions as well as leadership sessions that need to be completed and assessed and signed off. These will be independently led by you and assessed by your course tutor, both in and out of Sixth Form. 

What does it lead to?

A job - we have had a number of students each year go on to work in the local community in primary schools, youth clubs and play schemes. The level 3 qualification allows you to earn a genuine wage based on the skills and certificate you receive. It can also lead to helping secure a place in your next place of study as employers, apprentice providers and universities see this as a fantastic way of developing yourself and adding an additional string to your bow. 

Entry Requirements: 

Absolutely none! This course is about allowing you to take part in something extra but at the same time not have any prerequisites and also not take up too much time! 

Staff Contact: 

Mrs N Lazarczuk, Head of PE
