Chapter 14: Partial Derivatives & Applications

Functions of 2 Variables (14.1)

Level Curves (14.1)

Limits of Functions of 2 Variables (14.2)

More Examples of Limits of Functions of 2 Variables (14.2)

Continuity of a Function of 2 Variables (14.2)

First Order Partial Derivatives (14.3)

Partial Derivatives Using Tables (14.3)

Partial Derivatives Using Contour Maps (14.3)

Sign of Partial Derivative Using Contour Map (14.3)

Examples of Implicit Partial Differentiation (14.3)

Second Order Partial Derivatives (14.3)

Second Order Partial Derivatives Using Contour Plots (14.3)

Mixed Partial Derivatives Using Tables (14.3)

LaPlace Equation Example (14.3)

Wave Equation (14.3)

Differentiability (14.4)

Equation of Tangent Plane (14.4)

Differentials of f(x,y) (14.4)

Chapter14 Worksheet1.pdf

Chapter 14 Worksheet 1

Chain Rule of f(x,y) with ONE independent variable (14.5)

Chain Rule of f(x,y) with TWO independent variables (14.5)

Directional Derivatives (14.6)

Application of Gradient (14.6)

Determining Extrema of f(x,y) (14.7)

Absolute Extrema of f(x,y) (14.7)

Critical Values via Contour Maps (14.7)

Using Lagrange Multipliers for Extrema (14.8)


Contour Plots Team Activity (14.1)

Chapter14 Worksheet2 (critical values).pdf

Chapter 14 Worksheet 2 (14.7)

Theory of LaGrange Multipliers (14.8)

Visual examples of LaGrange Multipliers (14.8)