Chapter 13: Vector Functions & Calculus

Vector Functions (13.1)

Domain of Vector Functions (13.1)

Limits of Vector Functions (13.1)

Vector Functions from Intersections of Surfaces (13.1)

Derivatives of Vector Functions (13.2)

Unit Tangent Vector (13.2)

Tangent Line to a Curve (13.2)

Integrals of Vector Functions (13.2)

Definite Integrals of Vector Functions (13.2)

Arc Length (13.3)

Parameterizing a Curve with respect to Arc Length (13.3)

Curvature (13.3)

Curvature Using Cross Product Version (13.3)

More Curvature Examples (13.3)

Unit Normal Vector (13.3)

Binormal Vectors (13.3)

3D Motion: Finding Velocity & Acceleration (13.4)

3D Motion: Finding Position (13.4)

Finding Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration (13.4)

More 3D Motion Examples (13.4)