Empowered Learner

Empowered Learner

Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

instagram screenshot of a puzzle

Here is a screenshot from my Instagram account (yes, it's true--even if I wanted to take this down, someone else may have kept it for me!). I tried to look up more about this painting, but I found little. So, I crowd sourced it. I tried to get the social media masses to help me. It's like a "Phone a Friend"; only, the friend might be several million people! This technique has worked with several questions in the past. Crowd sourcing is a great way to learn things. Companies and institutions use it all the time. As of adding this to my portfolio, I hadn't heard yet about the painting; however, it was only an hour after posting the picture and the question.

Kyte Learning is a database of videos that help people learn technology tools. In this case, I wanted to explore ClassCraft--a gamification tool that allows kids to create a class character, develop experience points, earn rewards and penalties. I've also used Kyte to learn about Google Tone, WeVideo, and other tools.