Art Competencies

1. Creating: Applying the skills and language of a specific arts discipline, students will demonstrate the ability to create in the arts.

My favorite arts are visual: film and photography. To the left is an image from my album of Chateau Chenonceau I took on the France trip with Madame Barrett (Nov 2017). I have several other albums, but I liked the shots of the chateau as the sun set behind it. I think this image shows my skills at capturing the mood of the place, while also adjusting the aperture and shutter correctly, to capture just the right amount of light. This could have been a start silhouette of the chateau, but I took my time to properly correct the settings.

Here is another photo, showing a different set of skills. This shows my ability to capture a candid. Here is Mr. Watson, looking introspectively at the waters lapping at Omaha Beach, one of the several D-Day invasion sites in France. I need speed and a quickness to capture this image. Unfortunately, there is a shadow in the lower right hand that irks me, but I do like how thoughtful Mr. Watson looks. I think he is imagining the water tainted red with the blood of all the soldiers who died on these sands.

2. Presenting: Applying the skills and language of a specific arts discipline, students will demonstrate the ability to present in the arts.

3. Responding: Applying the skills and language of a specific arts discipline, students will demonstrate the ability to respond in the arts.

4. Connecting: Applying the skills and language of a specific arts discipline, students will demonstrate the ability to connect in the arts.

4. Connecting: Applying the skills and language of a specific arts discipline, students will demonstrate the ability to connect in the arts.
