Early Childhood Week 10

Grade-Level Resources

Click on your child's grade level to find resources and activities for all students that align to the Massachusetts Learning Standards.

Haga click en el grado de su niño o niña para explorar más recursos y actividades que les ofrecemos.

Click on the links below for more information on the Massachusetts Learning Standards and how they support your child's learning.

Haga click en el recursos abajo para más información sobre los estándares de aprendizaje y como apoyan el aprendizaje de su niño.

Resources for All Ages

Recursos y actividades para todos

Go on a virtual field trip and review it!

Step 1: Explore several of the virtual field trips

Paso 1: Explora varios paseos virtuales

Step 2: Select a field trip to visit for longer

Paso 2: Selecciona uno de los paseos para visitar por más tiempo

Step 3: Create a review that explains whether or not you would recommend this trip!

Paso 3: Realiza una crítica de ese paseo: ¿Lo recomendarías o no?

Talk with your family about the trip:

  • What did you experience on your trip?

  • What did you learn?

  • Was anything surprising or interesting?

  • What would you like to learn more about after experiencing the trip?

Create a review of the virtual field trip

  • Video yourself reviewing the trip


  • Draw and write a review of the trip

In your review, be sure to:

  1. Introduce yourself and how old you are

  2. Tell the place you visited

  3. Answer the question: Would you recommend this field trip to another child and family in Boston? Explain why or why not.

  4. Email your review (video or written) to bchilds@bostonpublicschools.org

Conversa con tu familia sobre el paseo

  • ¿Dónde fuiste de viaje virtual? ¿Qué hiciste?

  • ¿Qué aprendiste?

  • ¿Encontraste algo sorprendente u interesante?

  • ¿Habría algo más que te gustaría aprender ahora que tu paseo está terminado?

Realiza una crítica de tu paseo virtual

  • Haz un video con tus comentarios del paseo


  • Dibuja y escribe un comentario del paseo

Recuerda incluir lo siguiente en tu crítica:

  1. Tu nombre y tu edad

  2. El nombre del paseo realizado

  3. Contesta la siguiente pregunta: ¿Recomendarías ese paseo virtual a otro niño/a de Boston y a su familia? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?

Envía tu comentario (video u escrito) a bchilds@bostonpublicschools.org

Play and Science

Visit the planet Mars!


Smithsonian National Zoo Live Cams!

Lion Cam, Giant Panda Cam, Elephant Cam

Live Cams!

Natural Parks

Arches National Park, Utah, USA

Kenai Fjords, Alaska, USA

The Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

History, Culture and Art

The Black Heritage Trail, Boston, Ma

Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Brazil

Aztec Ruins, New Mexico, USA

The Great Wall, Beijing, China

The Ruins of Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Africa

For more virtual field trips for all ages, visit the full list of

Virtual Field Trips Curated by the BPS History and Social Studies Department

Check out preK resources by clicking this button


Check out K-2 resources like this virtual weather mapping by clicking on the K-2 button

Story Telling Podcasts

Stories Podcast or Circle Round to hear a story!

E-books and Audio Books

Here you can find resources for research, reading, and building knowledge!

Listen to books on Audible (now Free!)

Clever Backpack:

Clever is a “portal” where you can access many apps used by your student’s school or classroom teacher(s). Visit www.bostonpublicschools.org/backpack to access Clever.

Instructions to login are available here: https://bostonpublicschools.helpdocs.io/article/ioostn4l79-how-to-access-clever-at-home

Clever es un portal donde encontrarán aplicaciones que las escuelas o maestros de sus niños y niñas usan. Pueden acceder a Clever en este sitio www.bostonpublicschools.org/backpack.

This website is about you! Send us your thoughts and recommendations about the site and the material at remotelearning@bostonpublicschools.org . We can't wait to hear from you!