Google Classrooms:

Early Childhood:

2nd Grade: Visit the 2nd Grade Page

Health and Wellness provided the following links for At Home PE. All are free, you may just need to create an account.

At Home PE Google Drive .

BOKs will be providing families with healthy movement activities daily, please read the message below:

We will be offering Facebook LIVE BOKS classes each week day at 12pm EST/9am PDT and are launching an at-home resource page on with free downloads for all interested parents and kids. These resources are available to everyone, not just for current BOKS participants. If this resource is helpful in some small way, feel free to share this with your fellow teachers, colleagues, and parents.

I also want to remind you of BOKS Bursts, These short activity breaks are also available to anyone. By signing up for our weekly Bursts, you’ll receive five new activities every Sunday. I’ve attached an example Burst, and the enrollment link is here:

Hello BOKS Community!

With many schools being closed and kids being home, we want to share as many games and activities as possible so you can keep your kids moving. Burst activities are meant to increase your heart rate and give you a quick boost of energy with minimal materials and space required.

In the coming days, we'll be sharing more videos, games, activities, crafts, and tips on how to stay active at home and help keep your kids occupied. Please share the below link (or forward this email) with any parents that might want additional resources while schools are closed:

Please reach out to with any questions!