• Can cash be accepted?

Yes, cash can be accepted and deposited at a Boston Citizens Bank branch.

  • Can electronic payments through platforms such as Square or PayPal be accepted?

Unfortunately, schools can't collect payments via Square, PayPal, or any other online platforms. With electronic payments going directly into the Master account without the usage of a unique deposit slip, we would have no way of verifying which electronic deposits belonged to which schools.

  • How do I reimburse a parent/guardian who has pre-paid for the year, but whose child won't be continuing in the program?

Parents/families seeking a refund would need to be added as a City of Boston vendor by registering to become a vendor online (see step-by-step guidelines for registering online). Once they've been added as a City of Boston vendor, they would need to complete this Non Order form and attach proof of payment (either a receipt issued from the school or a cancelled check). A hard copy of the completed Non Order form would need to be submitted to Lisa Greaves in Business Services. Given this is a multi-step process, please be aware a refund may take longer than anticipated.