

Albert Chen 


привет! I am a senior at Boston Latin School and a co-founder and co-president of BLS BLS V.O.T.E.. I try to run this small, but slowly growing club to the best of my ability, send all of you emails, and I generally try to organize events. I enjoy history, linguistics, calligraphy, and art. Though I may be a bit busy, I am almost always on Discord and will be happy to chat with you.

Peter Guo 


Junior at Boston Latin School, Social Media manager for V.O.T.E, and occasional writer. I enjoy listening to music and studying at cafes. If you have any questions, email

Joshua Rand 


A member of the class of '24 at Boston Latin School and the Website manager for BLS V.O.T.E. and a co-founder of Veracium. I'm an avid advocate for conservation and the environment, as well as for the discussion of current events and political theory. On the side I also enjoy cartography and distracting myself with Japanese and Bhutanese culture.

Zoe Fulton


I'm currently a senior at BLS and officer and contributor for BLS V.O.T.E.. I joined recently, so I have no official tasks, helping with whatever needs to be done and writing articles whenever space on news letters needs to be filled. When I'm not working on articles for BLS V.O.T.E., I enjoy running, reading, and playing the flute (to avoid a slow painful death at the hands of Ms. McKenna). 

Ethan Tian


Currently a junior at Boston Latin School and officer and contributor for BLS V.O.T.E. Everything I write about has no consistency. International history, economics, and politics are a start.

Alan Zhao



Veracium Contributors

Royce Huynh


I am a senior at BLS and an officer for BLS V.O.T.E.. I love swimming, reading books and articles, as well staying up to date about the latest current events and technology. I also enjoy tinkering with my computer, and am in the process of learning how to code.

Lily Russo


Hi! I'm a senior at Boston Latin School and a writer for BLS V.O.T.E.. As well as being an avid reader and writer, I also enjoy sketching, playing guitar, and science. 

Kevin Zhong


Hello, I am an 12th grader here at BLS and I write for Veracium, the current events politics newsletter for BLS V.O.T.E.