
What is BLS V.O.T.E.?

Mission Statement

"Our club will help to provide a greater awareness of the most current events, and how students at BLS can be active participants in their communities. We will do this by running Veracium, which will cover events: international, national and local. In addition, we will hold weekly sessions, both with contributors to the publication, and open sessions to discuss events we have written about. The latter sessions will be open to everyone, and in them we will encourage participants to share their views in a safe space."

If this sounds interesting and worth a time investment to you, join the club by filling out this form, and if you have more questions, you can email us at vote.bls@gmail.com

Contact Information & Links

Club Email

 For any general requests or questions, please use this, before emailing us individually.


Our Emails

Please only use these for individual questions, or for specific project coordination.

Albert Chen (president): achen42@bostonk12.org

Peter Guo (vice president): jguo6@bostonk12.org

Joshua Rand (website officer): jrand@bostonk12.org

Ms. Arnold (club advisor): carnold@bostonpublicschools.org

Club Discord Server

On Discord, please read our server rules first, and please do not spam ping us, or ping @everyone. 

If you need to DM us, please tell us your real name first!
