Here are some answers to some Frequently Asked Questions. Please look at this before emailing! Thanks!

1. What does the money go for? 99% of the money goes back into the Cooper Drama Club. College students do receive a stipend, but any other adults or students are volunteers. We also use the amount you pay to recover the cost of royalties and materials.   The cost of the camp is determined by our needs for our school year. By coming to this camp, you are not only helping your child, but also helping many other students who are interested in drama as well. Throughout the years, we have been able to purchase spotlights, microphones, etc. - things that students in our camps benefit from as well as students in our club.

2. My child can't stay the whole week. Is that Okay? Unfortunately, no. Because the way our camp is structured, there is very little down time, and a day missed is like a week missed in our intermediate camp and 2 weeks missed in advanced camp. We move quickly.

3. My child has done a lot of theatre and wants to be in the advanced camp, even though they are in 6th grade. Can they? As a drama teacher and someone who has been in the business for over 30 years, I can understand how you would want to have your child in a higher class because they have done theatre. However, as an educator, I can tell you that doing this can be overwhelming to a child who is not emotionally ready to be with the older students.

4. My child does not attend a Boone County School. Can they still participate? Absolutely! Our camp is open to children who can meet the requirements, regardless of the school they attend. We have had children as far as Minnesota and Florida participate in our program.

5. My child doesn't want to participate if they don't get the role they want. What do you suggest? We understand that not every child can get what they want. Casting a show is like a puzzle, and we need to put your child in the role that is best for them and the rest of the show. We will give feedback to your child if they request it, but we really try to stress that every role is important and you can learn something from every role you are given.

6. My child cannot attend camp. Can I get my money back? This is a fundraiser for us and determines our cost for the year. The camp money is one of a few monies we receive (outside of ticket and concession sales) that helps fund our season. We get no outside money from the district. Because of this, we accept this as part of our fundraising money which is non-refundable. On the flip side, our camps are one of the least expensive in the area, so you get a lot of bang for your buck!

UPDATE: Camp costs may be refundable if circumstances warrant and if there is enough time to get another camper in. Please email for more information.