Event Line-Up

29 Jul: Designing
The Good Life Trail

A walking trail where you discover 7 unique pitstops featuring creative ways of living, working, playing and resting well. Walk away with new networks, resources and opportunities in the health space that you can be a part of or even start your very own!

There are two ways to experience the trail:
A. Choose Your Own Adventure (self-guided)

B. Walking Conversation (1hr-guided)

21,27,29 Jul: Mindfulness@319
Taking care of you as you do good work

Raising awareness and enhancing education in 5 domains of wellbeing: physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual

A moment of pause, an awareness of breath and body
A moment of peace, calm, restfulness
A moment of refreshment and rejuvenation - clarity

15 Jul: Meet Designers of 

The Good Life

Enter personal conversations with various Movement players. A safe space to dialogue and explore what it takes to design initiatives and activities that truly can contribute towards a good life. What moved them to take action; why might it also shift you, and what is the next step you can take together with them? 

Every  human book here represents a particular domain of what it takes to create a good life. Here's an invitation for YOU to join us in designing lives and communities that we can thrive in.