Fees and Registration

Currently enrolled Boise State students can attend conference talks and plenaries free of charge. Students who attend should visit the registration table to sign in and show their student ID. Contact conference organizer Dr. Chris VanderStouwe (cvanderstouwe@boisestate.edu) for details.


Registration for Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference 29 is now complete. If you have any questions, please contact Conference Organizer Chris VanderStouwe (cvanderstouwe@boisestate.edu) for details on getting registration payment and attendance information.

The last day to pre-register for the conference is Sunday, March 5, 2023

NOTE: A small number of registration scholarships will be available to graduate students attending the conference in person or virtually.  Please see details below for how to apply for these scholarships. *DEADLINE PASSED*

Registration Fees

Conference Fees are as follows:

Virtual (any attendee) - $60

Student in person - $60

Faculty/other in person - $100

In-person Conference Fees include light refreshments and Friday's conference dinner.

Student Registration Scholarships


For this year’s Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference, we are happy to be able to offer five (5) student registration scholarships available to students in need. Preference will be given to student presenters from the global south and other student presenters of color, though any student in need is encouraged to apply. To apply, please send a short (1-2 paragraph) statement expressing your need, including what, if any, support you have from your home institution to cvanderstouwe@boisestate.edu

Applicants can be attending either virtually or in person. 

The deadline to apply for scholarships is Friday, January 20, 2023, and notifications will be sent no later than the end of January. Applicants should not register through the conference registration page prior to notification. 

For any questions about registration, scholarship applications, or details on applying for a scholarship, please contact LavLang 29 host and organizer, Dr. Chris VanderStouwe, at cvanderstouwe@boisestate.edu.