

  1. Stavreva DA, Garcia DA, Fettweis G, Gudla PR, Zaki G, Soni V, McGowanA, Williams G, Huynh A, Palangat M, Schiltz RL, Johnson TA, Ferguson ML, Pegoraro G, Upadhyaya A, Hager GL, Transcriptional bursting and co-bursting regulation by steroid hormone release pattern and transcription factor mobility. Molecular Cell. 2019.
  2. Donovan BT, Huynh A, Ball DB, Patel H, Poirier MG, Larson DR,Ferguson ML, Lenstra TL, Live‐cell imaging reveals the interplay between transcription factors, nucleosomes, and bursting. EMBO Journal. 2019 (preprint).
  3. Dagher GG, Machado AP, Davis EC, Green T, Martin J, Ferguson ML. Data storage in cellular DNA: contextualizing diverse encoding schemes Evol. Intel. 2019.
  4. Obert J., Ferguson ML. Deep Time Series Neural Networks and Fluorescence Data Stream Noise Detection. Intelligent Computing. SAI 2018.
  5. Panchapakesan SSS, Ferguson ML, Hayden EJ, Chen X, Hoskins AA, Unrau PJ. Ribonucleoprotein Purification and Characterization using RNA Mango. RNA. 2017
  6. Coulon* A, Ferguson* ML, de Turris V, Palangat M, Chow CC, Larson DR. Kinetic competition during the transcription cycle results in stochastic RNA processing. eLife. 2014 (*authors contributed equally)
  7. Moutin E, Compan V, Raynaud F, Clerte C, Bouquier N, Labesse G, Ferguson ML, Fagni L, Royer CA, Perroy J. The stoichiometry of scaffold complexes in living neurons-DLC2 functions as a dimerization engine for GKAP. Journal of Cell Science. 2014
  8. Ferguson ML, Larson DR. Measuring Transcription Dynamics in Living Cells using Fluctuation Analysis. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2013.

Before 2013

  1. Ferguson ML, Le Coq D, Jules M, Aymerich S, Radulescu O, Declerck N, et al. Reconciling molecular regulatory mechanisms with noise patterns of bacterial metabolic promoters in induced and repressed states. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012.
  2. Ferguson ML, Le Coq D, Jules M, Aymerich S, Declerck N, Royer CA. Absolute quantification of gene expression in individual bacterial cells using two-photon fluctuation microscopy. Anal Biochem. 2011.
  3. Savatier J, Jalaguier S, Ferguson ML, Cavailles V, Royer CA. Estrogen receptor interactions and dynamics monitored in live cells by fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy. Biochemistry. 2010.
  4. Chaix D, Ferguson ML, Atmanene C, Van Dorsselaer A, Sanglier-Cianferani S, Royer CA, et al. Physical basis of the inducer-dependent cooperativity of the Central glycolytic genes Repressor/DNA complex. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010
  5. Ferguson ML, Prasad K, Boukari H, Sackett DL, Krueger S, Lafer EM, et al. Clathrin triskelia show evidence of molecular flexibility. Biophys J. 2008.
  6. Ferguson ML, Prasad K, Sackett DL, Boukari H, Lafer EM, Nossal R. Conformation of a clathrin triskelion in solution. Biochemistry. 2006.
  7. Pomerance A, Matthews J, Ferguson M, Urbach JS, Losert W. Actin polymerization in a thermal gradient. Macromol Symp. 2005
  8. Ferguson ML, Miller BN, Thompson MA. Dynamics of a gravitational billiard with a hyperbolic lower boundary. Chaos. 1999.
  9. Sieminska L, Ferguson M, Zerda TW, Couch E. Diffusion of steroids in porous sol-gel glass: Application in slow drug delivery. J Sol-Gel Sci Techn. 1997.

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