Physical Biology

of Gene Expression

Welcome to the Ferguson Lab!

The main interest of our lab is to understand the physical basis underlying molecular mechanisms of gene expression.

Our lab focuses on single particle tracking to understand the genome. Just as early astronomers studied stars and planets in the night sky to make models of the universe, we study at a smaller scale the motion and synthesis of single molecules. By combining fluorescent labelling with 3D orbital tracking and fluorescence cross correlation spectroscopy, we are able to study through fluorescence fluctuations, gene activation, splicing and transcriptional bursting. Orbital tracking provides faster sampling and longer measurements than traditional microscopy, while minimizing photobleaching. Using these methods, we are able to begin to understand and model the living genome.

Our research stands at the interface between nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and dynamical systems inside the living cell where molecular copy numbers range from 1 to 10,000, far below Avagadro's number, a condition necessary for equilibrium thermodynamics to hold sway. Join us in our explorations at the interface of physics and biology where we are trying to figure out the grammar and syntax of the book of life!

Our research is funded by:

Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through Grant GBMF5263.10

and by

National Institute of General Medical Sciences through Grant 1R15GM123446-01 and 2R15GM123446-02A1.