Module Seven

Reflection and Assessment

Creating opportunities to reflect, to share feedback, and to assess as and for learning throughout and at the end of the learning process

Essential Question for the Course: How can we most effectively teach learners for deep engagement, joy, and expertise that can be developed and refined throughout a lifetime?

Culminating Project: Throughout this course you will be designing a unit outline and five fleshed out lessons.   In this module you will be creating an online presentation of your unit by creating a padlet presentation and video.

Guiding Question for the Module

How can we create ongoing reflection and assessment opportunities that promote continued motivation, learning and growth, consolidating expert attitudes and capacities, moving our learners into a future of transformed possibilities?

Module Checklist (Looking Ahead)

In this module, you will complete the following items:

1 - Priming/Orienting Activity Post on Padlet

2 - Respond to 3 Padlet Posts

3 - Complete Unit Template

4 - Create a Padlet Presentation and video to Showcase Your Unit

5- Link to your Padlet in our Master Unit Plan Portfolio! 

5 - Respond to at least 3 Padlets of Course Participants

6 - Reflective Writing

Priming & Orienting Activity

What kind of activities/projects, feedback, and assessments have been most useful to you in improving your understanding and performance in some non-academic life domain, like a hobby, spiritual growth, interpersonal relationships, etc.?  What kinds of activities/projects, feedback, and assessments were not helpful?  What activities/projects, feedback, and assessments have been most useful in improving your teaching?  What has not been helpful?

How can we apply these insights to the projects, feedback, and assessments we provide to learners?

You can write and share directly on our Padlet, or if you want, you can brainstorm and create a video to share on our Padlet.

Respond to the posts of at least 3 fellow participants in the course.

If you didn't already take a careful look at Sara Gamboa's model unit, do that now, and take note of the way the walkthrough is sequenced and how reflection is embedded in various ways throughout the unit.

EMPOWER Inquiry Unit (Gamboa)
Reflection for empowered teaching course.pptx
DEAL Model for Reflection


Reflection and Assessment Video

(For your convenience for review, you can also access this PDF of the slide deck. Both of the above screen casts are part of this slide deck.)

This voiced slide deck explores the importance of reflection and how it is essential to learning and relates to assessment.

Check out this information and guide on using formative and summative assessments to help you with this module.

Reflection & Assessment Slide Deck

This slide deck explores how assessment can be made a student-owned reflective process that contributes to learning and transfer.

Check out the DEAL Mental Model and these ancillary materials to make your formative assessments more learning centered and robust!  

1.5 Overview of Inquiry and Formative Assess.pptx

Formative Assessments Slide Deck

Check out this slide deck to reinforce the major ideas from the module and the corresponding section of the book about how to use ongoing formative assessments that will deepen student engagement and learning through reflection - on the part of the teacher and the learners.

Reading Assignment

Planning Powerful Instruction - Chapters 14-15


Formative Assessments: Revisit the formative assessments you brainstormed for your unit plan in Module 6. Consider additional formative assessment techniques you plan to use and embed them in your unit plan.  Also, revisit the lesson plans you created in Modules 5 and 6 and ensure you have included formative assessments and reflection in each of these.

Summative Assessment: Consider how you will support learners in identifying and using critical summative performance standards as they prepare for and reflect on their culminating portfolios or projects, give feedback to peers, publicly present or share their work, etc.

Apply your thinking in your unit plan as directed in the Transfer of Learning section below.

Transfer of Learning

Navigate to your folder in our shared Google Drive and open your unit template.

Please complete the following components associated with this module:

Share your finished unit template in your Google folder.

EMPOWEREDInquiry Unit Presentation of units.doc

This is a copy of the general guidelines and criteria for your presentation.   

Culminating Project: Share Your Learning!

Now for your Culminating Project: Ta Da!

It's time to create your own Padlet to showcase the work in your online portfolio! This will be your place to brag about your amazing unit design.

Begin by reviewing these Guidelines and Criteria for your Culminating Project.

From the Padlet dashboard, create a Padlet by clicking the pink "make a Padlet" button. (Remember there is a tutorial for using Padlet in our very first community Padlet.) Remember that padlet limits the size of files, so use links. For example, if you want to attach a video, it's best to use a shareable link. You can also upload the video to Google Drive and link to it. 

You can choose any template and background. Have fun, be creative, and walk us through your unit! This experience will help you think about how you might use Padlet to present a distance learning unit to your students. Padlet will allow you to film a short video using the film option. If you'd like to create a longer video or a screen cast, you can use Loom and share the link to your video in the Padlet. 

In the title please put your first name, last initial and the title of your unit.

Make sure to enable the comments feature so we can all praise your work!

Last step: link to your Padlet in our MASTER UNIT PLAN PORTFOLIO! Here you will be able to access all unit plans that were generated this summer. 

Then respond to the units of as many fellow participants as you are able to do. Use procedural feedback and feedforward!

Reflective Writing

Compose a one-page response reflecting on the following questions:

How will the reflective and formative assessment activities in your unit help learners to make the inevitable struggles more productive, and to monitor their learning challenges and growth? How might these activities help learners develop a “continuing impulse” to learn and use what they have learned beyond the unit?

Reflect in a Google Document and share it with your mentor by posting it to your folder in our shared Google Drive.

Online Applications

Summative assessment considerations when teaching online - several great tips:

Getting students to engage with feedback as they learn - by showing vs. telling:

Questions and ideas: How can learners share with each other, and teach each other in an online environment?  How can learners reflect on their work and be engaged in helping others reflect on their work? How can we use technology to help parents and other caregivers or community members help learners reflect on their learning and set new paths forward?

Other ideas for online assessment; providing feedback online:

Further reading:

If you’d like to read more, here are links to all of the books referenced in this guide: 

Gut Check!

1- Have you responded to our priming and orienting activity on our Padlet?

2 - Have you responded to the Padlet responses of three (hopefully) new participants in the course?

3 - Have you completed the required components of your unit template? Add ongoing formative assessment ideas to your unit template. Provide a draft of a summative assessment that mirrors your mental model for the culminating project and that is usable by students, peers, parents, other stakeholders and you.

4 - Have you created your own Padlet presentation and video to showcase your unit work and posted it on our master padlet site?

5 - Have you responded to the final unit Padlet presentations created by your fellow participants in this course?

6 - Have you completed your post-module reflective writing and added it to your folder?

Email your instructor/thinking partner when you are done with this module so that you can get timely feedback!