Reflecting on our Learning Journey in this Course

Essential Question for the Course: How can we most effectively teach learners for deep engagement, joy, and expertise that can be developed and refined throughout a lifetime?

Culminating Project: Throughout this course you will be designing a unit outline and five fleshed out lessons.   


Well, well, well, what a journey - even a giant rumpus - we have experienced together on the road to transformational teaching!

Now is a chance to take a deep breath, reflect on where we've been and where we are going, to celebrate what we've accomplished and to set goals and an action plan for where we are going next.

Guiding Question for the Module

What is the power in reflection for us as teachers?

Reflecting On Our Journey


1- Compose a one-page response reflecting on whatever following questions grab you:

CAPTURE THESE REFLECTIONS in a Google Document and share it with your mentor by posting it to your folder in our shared Google Drive.

2- PLEASE FILL OUT THIS google form for all your instructors:

3- In addition, you will be sent a request from BSU to complete a course evaluation.  Positive reviews help the Boise State Writing Project continue to receive university support and funding!  Many thanks!


Consider: What additional advice do you have for your mentors and course designers about what to keep, what to change, what to add, or what to move in terms of course content?

Please email your mentor with your feedback, so we can continue to iterate and make this course even better.

Gut Check!

1 - Have you completed your final reflection and added it to your folder?

2- Have you completed the google survey for your teachers/thinking partners?

3- Did you complete the BSU course survey?


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