Current Crop
Check out this year's crop!
A very busy garden! 7/10/20
As you see, we've got jalapenos ready to go, pumpkins finally growing, and wild and crazy sunflowers! Come by and take a look, and maybe go home with some tasty goodies.
Tomatillos 7/10/20
These savory jewels are finally growing well, and may be ready for harvest in a week or two. Wait to harvest until the pepper takes up all or most of the space within the husk.
Beefsteaks! 7/10/20
We finally have some slicing tomatoes growing! Let's see how they are in a few weeks.
Jasper sniffs something pleasant in the garden. Could it be the Walla Walla Onions? How about the growing cucumbers? May be worth an exploration from other garden visitors. :o)
Garden June 12th
The Koelsch Community Garden is growing wildly these days! Veggies are lush, and our pollinator plants are rich gems spread throughout the garden beds. It's been a great growing season thus far!
Garden: 6/12/20
A garden overview presents the lushness of the current crops. Potatoes and pumpkins are featured in the 4'x8' bed to the right, while tomatoes, basil and a variety of pepper plants grow in the opposite. In the u-shaped garden bed, strawberries, zucchini, cucumber, potatoes, onions and sunflowers are found.
Pumpkins growing strong among potatoes and marigolds. 6/12/20
Marigolds help to repel naughty insects away from our leafy friends. 6/12/20
A new round of potato plants installed in the garden this year. 6/12/20
Several pollinator plants skulk among a forest of sunflowers. 6/12/20
Basil, tomatoes, & peppers: 6/12/20
Walla Walla Onions
Our onions are growing very well. They will be ready to harvest soon! 6/12/20
Gourmet Lettuce
Come and get it! There is plenty for you to harvest for a tasty salad tonight! 6/12/20
Gourmet lettuce
This is ready to harvest any time. Bring some clippers to snag some for your salad today! 5/19/20
Walla Walla Onions
Growing strong! 5/19/20
We are looking forward to some large, rustic potatoes this fall. 5/19/20
Pumpkin leaves are sprouting from the soil mightily. We hope to have some to harvest this fall for our students!
Always a good idea to have some pollinator plants mixed in with your veggies.
It's mid May, and our community garden is growing steadily. 5/19/20
A Jasper sighting in the garden!
Baby plants May 5th
Can't wait for these strawberries to ripen!
May 12, 2020
Fresh basil & lettuce growing strong.
May 12, 2020
2020 Crop List
Pumpkins Basil Tomatoes Zucchini Peppers
Green beans Marigolds Wildflowers Cucumbers
Onions Lettuce Spinach Potatoes
This year's Garden Map: 2020 Garden Map
2019 Crop List
Pumpkins Basil Tomatoes Zucchini Tomatillos
Green beans Marigolds Wildflowers Onions Green Onions (provided by BUGS)
Leeks Carrots Lettuce (provided by BUGS) Spinach (provided by BUGS)
Take a look at at what's planted. Honestly, have you seen a prettier little garden? Garden May 2019
2018 Crop List
Tomatoes Basil Onions Scallions Lettuce Tomatillos Bell Peppers Zucchini
Green Beans Brussel Sprouts Red Potatoes Pumpkins Strawberries