Full-Time GATE Program

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Boise School District 

Full-Time GATE Description

Instruction for the full time gifted classrooms is based on Idaho standards and the Boise School District curriculum.  Grade level curriculum is extended with supplemental materials designed to build on the strengths of the students. Curriculum and instruction may also be accelerated to the higher grade levels to meet the needs of students in some content areas. Project based/authentic learning is emphasized, and students are encouraged to be active participants in their own education.  Classroom expectations also include focus on depth and rigor.  

Increased student choice and the addition of The Idaho State GATE curriculum domains of leadership, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, research and affective needs as time allows are included in the full time GATE classrooms .

 Students in many of the full time classes participate in other projects such as community service projects, competitions, research projects and enrichment activities as time allows. Students’ social/emotional, team-building and leadership needs, which may be more pronounced in gifted students, are built into the school day as we develop the classroom community.  

In the Gifted Program there are often combination classes; the Boise School District gifted program will use a specific planned and articulated procedure to assure that the standards of the curriculum from both grade levels are met as a student progresses through a multi-age class.  Classrooms may include any combination of the following:

A two-year loop that covers the curriculum from one grade in one school year and the curriculum from the following grade in the next school year and then repeats.

Differentiation within the class such that children in each grade are studying the curriculum from that grade.

Curriculum that is taught simultaneously, organized under clearly stated broad conceptual ideas with the specifics differentiated to include standards from the grade in which the student is enrolled.

Music (including participation in music programs), Physical Education, Library, and Health related lessons presented by the counselor are provided by the school specialists in the same manner as provided for the regular education students. We attempt to schedule recess and lunch with grade level peers.

Students who qualify for gifted services may choose to participate in full-time GATE classrooms on a space available basis. Once qualified, a student can attend a full-time GATE classroom at any time as long as there is space available.  Please note that many of our programs start the year full and some currently have waitlists, so please apply ASAP. You will be notified within 5 days of applying about placement options.

If your regional program is full, you may stay on the waiting list while you apply to, and participate in, the pull-out GATE program. You may also apply for open enrollment to another regional school, but you will need to provide transportation. (White Pine and Highlands do not accept open enrollment GT students.) As with most busing in the district, students are picked up and returned to regional pickup points, not necessarily their home address. Busing is not provided for any 1st grade students unless there is an already established route for older students, which is common. For busing questions, please contact Lanette Daw at 208-854-4120.