
The Boardman High School Swim Boosters is a state certified non-profit support group for our swim team. The boosters help defray the extra expenses not paid for by the Boardman Board of Education. The club is involved with several fundraising activities each season and also asks parents to pay a $100 annual fee for the first swimmer or diver in each family and $75 for any additional swimmer or diver in the same family. Examples of booster expenses include but are not limited to: defraying the costs of team gear, team meals, transportation, coaches’ clinics, record board, banquet expenses, awards, mailings, coaches’ professional dues, and other items necessary to support the program.

A list of current supporters of the team is kept up to date here. For information on how to contribute to BHS Swimming and Diving, please download our Booster Letter.

We are currently working on adding donation information to this website, so please check back later if you are interested in contributing to the team.

The coaches, parents and former swimmers who have participated in the team over the years thank the Booster Club for its continued support of the program. Boardman High School Swimming and Diving would not be a varsity sport with the support of the booster club.