Welcome to June share 2020!!!!

Dear Families and Friends:

Welcome to our June Share site! Here you will find a sampling of students' work from this spring. While learning remotely, students explored some of the people and cultures of North and East Africa and they researched an African savanna or rainforest animal. Throughout they tried to see the world from a new perspective - whether that of another person, an animal, or even a plant or a star. At school, students were used to working collaboratively; suddenly they had to learn to work independently. They rose to the challenge magnificently! With no one telling them it was time to stop, they often worked on projects for hours and inspired each other with their works in progress. I stand in awe of the risks that they took and the work they accomplished.

Of course we all know the African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child," so I want to acknowledge the "village" that supported and guided the students (and me) all spring.

Teachers: Beth, Shirley, Barbara, Kamaria, Steve, and the 3rd grade team (Nancy, Alex, Malika, Claudia, Sally, Jessica).

Teaching Artists: Pia, African Dance teacher from Cumbe, and Hamza El Fasiki, traditional Moroccan craft teacher from CraftDraft in Fez, Morocco.

Tour Guides: Stina Puotinen (Whitney Museum of Art), Miguel Ayuso (La Bodega Gallery)

Mentors: Madeline Sorel Kahn, Sabella Kahn, Kadir Nelson, Jeannette Winter, Randall Jarrell, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Jane Goodall, Carl Akeley, Alexander Calder, Brendan Wenzel, Diann Timms... & more....

Small Group Leaders: Kamaria, Tania (Cy), Alexandra (Henry), Anna Catherine (Walsh), Carlita/Christian (Vesper), Kavi (Krishna), Meghan/Terrence (Milly), Ryan (Pearl)

Special thanks to Tania for organizing the small groups!

Behind the scenes support: All the parents - none of this would have been possible without you!

Below you will see student reflections on their accomplishments. I hope that after you look at their work on the pages that follow, you will return to this page and let them know what impressed you.

A Message from Wangari Maathai:

"To the young people I say, you are a gift to your communities and indeed the world. You are our hope and our future."

(Nobel Peace Prize speech, 2004)