
The next day, Hera and Aphrodite met with Rachel’s brother from Know-it-all News. He was very glad they reached out to him instead of Gossip Girl because he was excited to share Hera and Aphrodite’s story. Aphrodite and Hera told him details about Zeus, his lies, and his trickery.

Hera told Rachel’s brother, “I knew it was the perfect way to tell my story and show people the truth about Zeus. I just want this story to reach women everywhere. This way they will know about him and will be less likely to fall into his seductive traps.”

Then Aphrodite chimed in, “Zeus probably has other mistresses out there too who are just as clueless as we were, so I hope they see this news post too. Once these women see the post, they would dump Zeus leaving him with nothing but his money to keep him company. Also, Hera and I think we should do #metoo in the post, so women who read it can comment and share their stories about Zeus or others like him.”

“I really like that idea, and I am happy you all shared this with me because Know-it-all News is the perfect way to spread this message to people. It is most used and popular news application in the state of New York, so I am confident that sending out a Know-it-all News blast is an effective message and warning for all people who encounter Zeus. Over 6 million people in use our news app, so I am positive that Know-it-all will help you all make an impact,” Rachel’s brother told them.

Hera replied, “Well, we are glad you agreed to help. Aphrodite and I thought this was the only possible way to make sure Zeus did not get away with this again. Thank you.”

Hera, Aphrodite, and the team at Know-it-all News were looking forward to the article release. They were ready to send out the news blast at any moment. The news team was waiting for a signal from Hera, and then they would send it at the perfect time.

After Hera and Aphrodite left their meeting with Zeus, Hera texted her friend, Rachel, to give the "okay."

They were standing on the sidewalk, waiting for their Uber when Hera’s and Aphrodite’s phone received the news notification. This meant that every Know-it-all News subscriber, including Zeus, received this notification.

The phone notification appeared as:

ALERT from Know-it-all News:

...looks like the liar, Zeus, has been exposed. Sorry Z, all is fair in love and war. 

Click here for the full story and use the comment page to share personal stories similar to this one. #metoo

The women were eager to read the post. As they waited for their car, they began reading the Know-it-all post.

After reading it Hera told Aphrodite, “That was perfect. I wonder how Zeus reacted when he saw the blast.”

Aphrodite responded, “I bet he will try to tell everyone he knows that this is just fake news, but there is no way anyone will believe that liar again. Social media is more effective than people realize.

Hera nodded but was silent.

“By the way I am glad we could team up. I would not have wanted to be in Zeus’s shoes right now,” Aphrodite said.

Hera replied, “Yeah, social media controls this world. I am glad you were on my side, or else I would’ve had to expose you too. Hera smirked. “I am only kidding with you! I am happy you and I exposed him to the public together. It was much more powerful this way. I never thought revenge could feel this good.”

Author's note:

In the end of my story I based some of my ideas off of the television show, Gossip Girl. I liked the idea of exposing Zeus, and in the TV show Gossip Girl is how everyone finds out about the drama in Manhattan, New York. This was a fun ending to write because Aphrodite and Hera team up, and this is not expected of Hera since normally she would seek revenge on Aphrodite.

Hera is known for her jealousy and vengefulness, but in the end of this story she did not take her anger out on the victim (Aphrodite). Instead, she and Aphrodite agreed to come together to get back at Zeus and make their stories known. I love this because it adds a bit of a girl power aspect to my story and signifies that no woman should put up with a man who does not treat her right. Thank you for reading, and I really hope you enjoyed it!

If Hera would have been angry at Aphrodite, then my story would have been quite different. Hera is known for her terrible revenge plots that normally involve her disguising herself to get close to Zeus's lovers. When she disguises herself it allows her to get know these women and plot her darkest revenge (which usually results in driving the women insane). One story that I found discussed how Zeus transformed one of his women into a cow in hopes of hiding the woman from Hera. He did this so Hera would not find her and take revenge on her Wikipedia. These are only a few example of something Hera would normally do to one of Zeus's lovers, so it is lucky for Aphrodite that she did not have to deal with Hera's wrath in my story (but poor, unfortunate Zeus).

Story Source: Wikipedia.

Image Web Source: Flickr.