Download Ebooks

All three middle schools now have the ability to download eBooks through Overdrive. You can access our eBook catalog at the Overdrive website or by downloading the free Overdrive app on your mobile device. Use your student ID number as your library card number, and if prompted, your virtual password as the password.

You can also find some eBooks for free at Project Gutenberg or EBSCO Host.

Using the Overdrive App

The Overdrive app should be already downloaded to your school device. *Do NOT use Libby for our eBook collection. Libby is for Public Library use.

Once logged into the app, search for your school. Remember to use your student ID number as your library card number! If you are new to Bloomfield schools, you may need to contact the media center to have your ID number added to our database. Once you've logged in and set up your school, you should be able to download eBooks directly to your device by searching for and clicking on individual titles.

Still having trouble with the app? Try these troubleshooting tips.