The Glen Schuster Fabrication Lab

The new (circa 2022) Glen Schuster Fabrication Lab for grades 6 through 12 is positioned in the rear of the building.  This flexible teaching area contains a wide array of machines suitable to meet the needs of students' innovative and inventive ideas. Below are pictures of the initial planning and final designs


Interior rendering of MS/HS Fabrication Lab.


This Lab was a collaboration of minds and ideas that culminated in a space where teachers and students can develop significant projects. It is the summation of the hard work and the valuable insight of incredible Blind Brook staff members & administrators, the extensive expertise of architects, and the caring community.

Everyone involved advocated for more opportunities to incorporate technology into every classroom, and to foster educational and creative experiences that students will take with them into their lives beyond the walls of Blind Brook. 

An Ever-Evolving Space

As with the best creation spaces, this room will evolve and change based on the needs of the school.  In addition to traditional (low-tech) materials for design, we have added a number of 21st century tools, including: 

3D Printers

Laser Cutter, Vinyl Printer, and Poster Printer

CNC Machine

Come meet with Mr. Colón to learn more about these machines and how they help both Students & Teachers bring their amazing ideas to life!

About Glen Schuster

Photo Credit: Schuster Family

Glen Schuster (1964 - 2017), Scientist, Owner of US Satellite Laboratory and former Board of Education member for the Blind Brook schools, devoted his life to the pursuit of Scientific knowledge, and the encouragement of STEM-based educational initiatives.  His passion for STEM helped steer the Blind Brook schools towards our DICE initiative, and ultimately the construction of the Fab Lab.  

Photo Credit: The Westmore News

The Glen Schuster Fabrication Lab was officially dedicated on June 14, 2022